August 23- “I want you to get baptized”


I entered into meditation and after a while I didn’t see anything, then I saw myself in front of me  sliced off  sideways standing there.  I was able to see my bones, flesh and I heard someone saying,  “just like the pharisees.”  I though that was a bad meditation or some sort of, then at my right I saw Jesus, he looked different.  He was sitting on a throne chair looking at the opposite direction.  He was wearing  king  jewelry  and he  had a crown on his head.

Then,  I saw myself from another angle making facial expressions like I was pretending or being false.  Then I said,- “that’s not me, when did that happened?”  I got scared and I felt someone holding my elbow and said,  “I’m with you.”  Then took my hand and guided me towards a waterfall ahead.

We walked in silence, I turned and the other Jesus was still on the chair.  Jesus, looked pleased and happy.  At the waterfall Jesus sat on a rock.  He was holding a basket of fruits on his hands.  He pointed at the waterfall and said, “The living water,” and I saw Jesus being baptized by John the baptist; next  I saw my husband being baptized;  Last, I saw myself being baptized in the waterfall.  While Jesus was eating fruit he said, “you have to be baptized.”

I said, -“Lord, I saw something troubling back there what was that?”  He answered, 

“You are divided in many parts, you either believe or not.  You have to be baptized, you can do it.”

You said religions are closed minded, but so are you about religion.”

“You said you don’t want to follow man’s rules, but you don’t want to follow mine either, why is it so hard for you, you have the communion of prayers, you respect your Lord, why is it so hard for you?” 

” you said, you don’t want to follow rituals, but you do your rituals with Reiki.”

I  answered, -‘ religions spend a lot of time speaking about the evil one and its attributes to inspire fear in people, instead of talking about God’s love.  Jesus interrupted and said,  “then teach them”

I continued saying, -“They also criticize each other’s religions, all of them said the other one is bad”-  and he said, “Then, teach them.

He continued while eating fruits and giving them in my mouth so I wouldn’t interrupt,

“You have to get baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  I did it , why it is so troubling for you?  You already have the devotion of prayers, and you give your tithe.

  I need you to get baptized so you can baptized and anoint others.”

Every time I wanted to say my excuses, Jesus put more pieces of fruit in my mouth and said, “Eat fruit.  That’s good for you, I wish you take care of my wishes as you take care of your cats”

I asked him,-” ok where do you want me to get baptized, “the adventist?, the Jehova witness? where? , but please, wait until it comes from my heart and he answered while still eating fruits-

” I don’t know where, but you have to do it is a purification act.  Anyway it is my father’s will.  You can go to the 7th Day adventists, they talk about my second coming and you know everything and you don’t have to take any class.  I don’t know where, but  you have to get baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” 

“Anyway, people who baptized others they have that mission, to baptized specific people.  And yes, we will know if it  come from your heart, we can see your joints and marrow.”  he smiled. I said, “yes, I know I will do it, but please don’t show me ugly images.”

I asked him, “why on the vision with Martin Luther I saw a broken clay jar? Is it me? then, he laughed allow and appeared a jar in his hand, grabbed water from the fountain river  drank it and said, “no, that’s not you”

I expressed to him that I may have to create a website for his messages, because Its easier for me to post his messages and reach more people and I asked him if that was ok with him.  Also, I asked for suggestions and he stood and said, “name it, messages of the latest days”

When I finished that meditation/vision, I was stunned of my truths, my divisions and how divided I am.  I knelt and prayed, I felt bad and I said, “dear Lord, if I’m that bad and wrong, why do you chose me? the I heard, ” because I have faith in you.”  I couldn’t believe that loving answer.  Even today January 12 while I’m reviewing this message and comparing it with the original notes, I’m amazed of  how he knows  and love us all.

August 23 (night) – “I love you deeply”

I was in bed ready to sleep then I had a vision it was over my bed.  Jesus was sitting on a tree branch. This branch was extended over a river, so his feet was on the air.  He was looking down, he signed me to joined him.  As I was on my way there, I noticed that the river,  was flowing upwards coming from a waterfall. It almost looked like the Niagara’s fall, but the water was going up.

Jesus was looking down, concerned and he said,  “the dams will break” and I saw what it looked like the Sun, encrusted on the whole of the waterfall.  It seemed like the Sun volume made the water run the opposite ways. I saw people being dragged, refrigerators and others.

Jesus said, “you have to organized yourself”.  I was aware that I was typing and writing his messages as fast as I could.  Then, I saw a woman, I knew she was from Africa, she walked by and consciously or somehow aware of my presence, she looked at my eyes and smiled.

Then, I felt my eyes closed, I think somehow Jesus wanted me to go to sleep and he started to give me guidelines about my tasks.

“- You will provide songs to keep the faith

– You will perform healing rites, and I saw houses made out of clay, I saw myself walking between houses with foreigner clothing.

– Do not do everything in a rush to come back home soon. 

– Every time you will tell people or share these messages, I want start saying, “I’m here, because Jesus wants to let you know that he loves you deeply.” then, you can start.

I intended to ask  Jesus about the executed reported Foley and he said before I asked anything, “He is no longer suffering” 

I don’t remember what else I said, that Jesus said, “I’m holding you”

In the morning, I recall his voice talking for a long time while I was asleep.