August 18- “Pray for the conflicts in Europe.”

I closed my eyes and prayed to start a meditation. Then I saw a lady with a long dress suspended in the air, she looked like a virgin, her dress was moved by the wind and there was another image, it was a man at the bottom of a cave. He had a long beard and was wearing a white dress.  I wasn’t sure what to make out of those images, so I opened and I closed my eyes to start over again.

When I closed my eyes, I didn’t see the lady,  but I saw  the man inside a cave.  He was very old and  he was wearing an ancient dress.  That man who’s name I perceived as Eliessec and  he was  holding a justice scale in one of his hand raising it up towards the opening of the cave.  On his other hand he had a shepherd crook.  I repeated his name, so I will remember it, because it was not familiar to me and I saw different spelling of it.  He didn’t answered back or anything, so I opened and closed my eyes again.

All the sudden, I was blinded by a  red laser light even though my eyes were closed. Soon I realized that there were 2 lines that form a cross all over my room! I opened my eyes, yet the laser cross was there.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a young man on front of me. He looked very tall and skinny. He had long brown hair wearing a leather skirt and looking relaxed while one of his elbows was resting on the handle of a iron sword. He was there on one knee over the carpet and the other one uprise. This metal sword looked very solid and heavy and on the top of its handle there was a red gem that shines like a laser around the room. photo 1-2

Then he said, ” Hi I’m Mikael”. Then spelling of his name was placed in the air.  His energy, was calmed and strong, yet it was familiar to me. Then I asked, “I saw a man whose name is Eliessec?”- the spelling of that name was strange to me too. He answered, “Eliessec, yes it’s him” 

Then he looked less blurry to my eyes and he stood and said, “Hi, I’m Mikael I had been assigned to protect you and guard you for task for you that is on the way.”

He looked around  in my bedroom  and said, “I see you didn’t get ride off the stuff  that you won’t longer need”.   It was right at that moment that I learned that  it was him who gave me a  similar message last March. When I was told,  “Get ride off your stuff, to make your suitcase lighter”  

photo 2-2I started to form words to express that I refused to accept any tasks, but before I said anything  he said, “ The word of the Lord will be done”

So, I started praying and asked him to ask the Lord for the people running away from Irak and the Archangel Michael moved aside and showed me a refugee camp ground being washed off by waters and all the tents were flying and floating away and he said, “they are no longer going to suffer” I saw beheadings too, I saw heads rolling on the ground and Jesus showed up sitting on a chair and said, “those martyrs are going to have a special place on my throne.”

Then  Archangel Michael said, “ Pray for all the conflicts in Europe because those winds will go to the Americas”refugees-1024x707

*Since then, I feel his presence in and out of meditations.  Later, I did research the “Eliessec “ name online  and I found that he was Eliezer, son of Moses.  Eliezer name means, “the one who hold the court of God.”