August 19- “The assignment.”


I went into meditation, but even before I closed my eyes I felt a powerful presence in the room, it also had an obedience energy.

This time I came out from an orb and  the Archangel Michael archangel was next to me.  Also, there was a man standing on a stone that resembled a fallen ancient column.  He was weaving  at me and with his other hand he  pointed where Jesus was sitting at up ahead.

I saw the direction he was pointing at and Jesus was sitting on top of another fallen ancient column looking down to a city.  When we got closer he got up and walked towards me, but first we wrote down engraving a stone with his finger and wrote VII,  it was number seven in romans numerals.  Also,  I noticed that he was sitting on the top of a mountain where there were building ruins spread around and his legs were hanging down.

Jesus  went back to his place, he looked pleased and he was eating figs and said while moving his legs on the air, “I need you to go  (place/city) and heal people there.”  Once I knew the city’s name, I complained a lot I knelt and begged  him to change my task and he said  was smiling and looking down to the city.

And he said, “in the palm of your hands mi name is written” All the sudden,  I physically  on my hands like something was being written, I placed my my hands on my chest to stop the feeling while meditating  yet I still  was feeling the writings on my hands. I had that feeling since March.

Then he said “in the house of my father there are many places that I’m preparing for you..”, then he continued, “don’t worry, you won’t be seeing, you will be like transparent to them, and you will be back.”

I finished the meditation and I since then I’m praying so much for God to explain that to me/to spare me from that mission.

While I was sleeping  during the night  of the very same day in between my sleeping time, Jesus was saying “ there are many people in that city(name) praying for spititual  guidance and people who are dying without last rites and he only send the best.”  And I  awoke up , but I didn’t move, hoping, that Jesus wouldn’t noticed. I saw myself leaning over the head of a man laying on a bed, my hands were on his head, I had a turban on my head and a robe.  I couldn’t avoid what I was seeing.  Then I prayed for forgiveness, because I didn’t want to do it.

Later during the following days,  I was concern about the task I was buying flowers and donating them to churches in order for the Lord to cancel or change my task.  But one day, while driving with flowers a voice said to me,

” Do you think you can negotiate with your lord?’  and I stopped buying flowers. 


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