I was in my bed ready to fall sleep and as I turned the lamp off I saw the Sea of Galilee. It was the same place of a vision I had years ago. I noticed the same mountain to the left of the Sea. I was standing by the shore looking around and I noticed the similarity with the landscape from the previous vision years back. There were rocks next to me, and I noticed pieces of a boat floating and other pieces of a boat being washed out on the sand. I looked at my right side and Jesus was standing there in silence with a sad face. I learned His sadness was because of my personal afflictions. He was wearing a short, brownish dress and a belt made of a rosary with a cross hanging from it.
I knelt immediately, and I felt peace hugging his feet. Then I saw everything from above. I placed all the papers with my prayers and other people’s prayers at his feet. He tried to touch me and bent forward saying,
“Search peace and follow it, your actions matter.” He spoke about the broken boat and said, “Soon you will arrive. Very soon you will no longer need the boat to sway the turbulence. You will be free.”
I prayed for the injustice in the world. Injustice towards orphans, animals and people who have asked for prayers.
He continued, “Pray because at the end of the path is the kingdom of the Lord.” In a firm and higher voice He said, “Firstly, search the kingdom of the Lord and his justice and everything else will be added.”
Then I saw the Sun rising up kindly behind the mountains that bordered the Galilee Sea.
After the vision I felt an overwhelming peace. Thank you Lord.
I closed my eyes and I saw myself standing in the middle of an open prairie. Beautiful tiny yellow flowers and tall brown and green grasses in the open field and I saw a tree far off in the distance.
I asked what angel was with me and I saw an angel standing on my side contemplating his leather armor that only covered his shoulders. It went down in a wing shape over his arms and at the tip was a ring holding the end to one of his fingers.
Far away and close to the tree I saw bright lights shooting up from the ground. I saw a foot wearing a sandal emerging from the light. Next I saw a man with long beard who had a burlap bag hanging across his chest. Somehow I learned that his name was Moses. As he walked towards me he was holding a walking cane in one hand and a note pad with something written on it and a pen in the other.
As he walked he said, “The kingdom of the Lord will come as a thief in the night when nobody will expect it, pray.” He extended his hands and gave me the cane and the note pad.
He said something else that I don’t remember. Thank you God for reminding us of your promises and to pray.
After running some errands this morning in the house I felt a strong presence and the urge to close my eyes, so I did.
I saw a small desk with golden edges among clouds, then I saw what resembled a molecular structure. I prayed and I got a message that sounded like ‘Blessed the one who doesn’t place his trust in man, but in the Lord.” I researched to find that verse in the bible to publish it.
Then I found it in Psalms 40:4 “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.”
I felt very concerned and sad about the current news here in the USA and in my birth country Venezuela. After I published the message on the Spanish page, www.mensajesdelosultimosdias.com, I got another message that said “Do not feel tribulation.” After that, I felt an overwhelming peace that I can described as ‘liberation’.
Thank you Lord for always being there for us amen.
For several days I kept seeing images of a boat in the air during my prayers. I didn’t understand and for weeks I saw a boat landing/arriving to shore as it splashes in the mud. I saw a big boat in a turbulent sea, and another boat in calm waters during the night with the beautiful moon in the background.
I decided to paint these images on canvas. A month later an angel reminded me of one prayer. I kept repeating and it praying, “Jesus take the wheel of my projects and my family’s projects.” The angel nodded as sign that those boats meant that Jesus is at the wheel.
I saw an angel standing close to me. He had short wings that looked like hair. On the other side I saw a bright light. As it became clearer, I noticed it was a man whose clothing was the source of the light. He was Jeremiah and said, “The kingdom of the Lord will not be consumed by the eternal fire.”
I knelt to pray and suddenly saw myself from higher elevation. In front of me was Jesus with a compassionate smirk. A rosary chain was hanging from his neck and it also had three keys. “Welcome,” he said. “Look around you.”
I looked and saw beautiful adobe houses. One of the houses had branches of a plant resting on the roof. I somehow learned that those branches were from a fig tree. Meanwhile, I saw several images in the air. I saw clay pots, baskets and also words forming. They were blurry at first before forming the word, Damascus.
I continued my prayers for family, friends, and others who requested prayers online. Then a saw two large trees with branches that reached out to touch each other. As the image became more clear I could see that the branches came together to form what looked like a big gate.
There were women with turbans walking in a line. They were holding containers with water in them. I also saw a cot or stretcher like one that was used to carry injured people that was formed of two poles and 3 pieces of denim blue jeans. Then I saw the word, Syria, forming in the air and Jesus said, “Those people are suffering and have bigger problems, pray.”
After that I was walking around looking at the village. Jesus said, “Look inside the house.” I looked through an open window and I saw what it looked like 55 gallon metal drums. Jesus continued, “Potential explosions.”
In addition, I saw herb leaves hovering on front of me. They were spread out flat forming a fan. I was told the name of each leaf. The first leaf was tobacco, the second coca, the third one mint, and the final leaf sage. Somehow I knew that the mixture of them would be good to cure some illness.
After experiencing this vision I included the people of Syria more often in my prayers. Seven months after this vision over 30 houses in Massachusetts burned down due to a gas problem in the area.
I saw a beautiful lady walking towards me. She was wearing clothing similar to the 1800’s style. Long dress, hat, and holding an umbrella.
She sat next to me and gestured with her hand. I looked and saw a row of men kneeling. They also were wearing old times pants. Then she said, “all knees will be bent in front of the Lord.” I thought to myself, ‘people from the past,’ and she responded by moving her hand and showing me men and women wearing both old and modern outfits.
“All knees will be bent in front of the Lord. Powerfull and non-powerful men alike. Men from the past and present will be kneeling in front of the Lord.”
After that, she handed me a heavy, old leather book, and she also gave a pair of gloves saying, “handle it with care; is old, is ancient.”
After a while I said to her, “I hope I remember every detail of your message.” She said, “don’t worry, you will.”
After the vision of Archangel Michael, and his message of the second coming posted on March 17 I wasn’t sure which one of many bible verses should I put on the post. I put it in my prayers, then I saw a man with ancient outfit and said, ” don’t sleep and be alert just like the virgins” then he left. After that vision I chose the verse of Mathew 25:1-9 and placed it in the picture.
Hi everyone I wanted to share this powerful and direct message as soon as I could.
It was a Friday afternoon, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of peace throughout my entire body. I went to my bed to lie down. As soon as I closed my eyes, I started seeing various images. I saw a piece of engraved metal, the face of a woman, and some tree branches.
I made a short prayer, and I started to meditate in order to pay attention to the images and slow down my mind to fully remember everything. I started to visualized my imaginary landscape as I am accustomed during meditation. However, suddenly everything else was gone and I saw Michael Angel or Archangel standing in front of me. I knew it was him, and I also saw some letters in the air spelling his name with Greek style letters.
He was standing peacefully with a bright sword raised in the air with in of his hands. At first it was hard to see his face, because of the bright star on his crown. I said, “I see your name, but I can’t see you, because is too bright.” “It’s David’s star,“ he told me.
After he said that, I was able to see him better. He was wearing an amazing armored outfit. At that point I recognized one of the isolated images from earlier. The engraved metal was actually a part of the armor protecting his legs. He was also wearing a red feathered skirt.
He was silent and allowed me to walk in my imaginary landscape for a while. Around me the plants looked sharper, as if they were in 3D resolution. As I started walking to my imaginary horizon, I felt that someone placed a blanket over my shoulders. The blanket seemed to have hair on it.
While I was walking, I expected to see a skinny light up head on the horizon like a guide for me to follow as I am accustomed. However, I just couldn’t visualize it. Then I heard Archangel Michael say, “this time its going to look like this.“ At that moment I saw the whole horizon up ahead from right to left light up. Beautiful streams of light that looked like water under pressured was shooting up from the ground towards the sky.
Even though he was next to me, he was walking towards me coming from that amazing light. As he approached I felt lot of energy that surrounded my body and made me feel very relaxed and safe. As he walked somehow I knew that he was powerful. Although he looked young, I instinctively knew that he was of many many years.
I sat on a bench and he stood close to me and turned around slowly. As he did this his armored outfit changed into a long hooded robe. I also noticed that he had some paperscrolls in his hand. He turned again and was wearing another set of armor and sat next to me. I said, “what is your message, and please help people in Peru.” In the matter of a few seconds I was able to somehow ask tons of questions and requests very fast. He only nodded looking at the ground. Then he thrust the tip of his sword in the ground and said, ‘The king of the heavens is coming soon, be prepared all of you.”
His answers were short about my other concerns. The different outfits he showed me, might have various meanings, but I don’t want to speculate. Sometimes those details are revealed in subsequent visions.
I did some searching online to find the right bible verse regarding how to be prepared for the second coming. I found many of them, so I put it in my prayers. Three days later I received a short vision that told me which verse I should share. I copied the verse into a picture for this message and the post dated March 20.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this message.
It was around 11:00 am when I saw this beautiful colorful path on the air. The contrast between the grass and the rocks were stunning and there were lots of trees around the path ahead, and somehow I knew there were fruit trees.
After a short time of contemplating the apple tree next to me and its pink little flowers a man with a long well-groomed beard came down the path from a distance ringing bells.
He was not too close to me, yet I knew his name and I said it aloud, “Jeremias” and he corrected me on how to pronounce it and spelled it on the air for me, “Jeremia’h’ , he said.
Then I started to see him more clear. He was holding 3 metal bells in his hands, his dress was long and made of heavy pastel colored fabric. Also, he had a head piece made of linen that held his long hair in place.
After telling me a message for a person that I know he was starting telling me the message for this vision saying, “it is written”. I asked him, -“where are you coming from?”
He answered, “from the book,” he said as he handed me a lit candle and said, ” read, the Jeremia’h book, because it is written.”
Then, I only hear the sound of bells and he disappeared.
Thanks for taking your time to read this message. Some images and details have their own meaning, however, I still don’t know what those mean I want to share with you.