Category Archives: Reviewed

December 29 – “There will be nothing that can stop this train, because the name of this train is love..”

These are multiple futuristic and loving messages from the Lord that were delivered for many days throughout the day and night. Many of these messages were repeated throughout the week. It is important to ask to people who might also received messages to share it, as the Lord say in one of the messages, quote,” Share them, because they don’t belong to you, for they are an import piece of the big puzzle which the final shape is love”.

Take your time and enjoy these amazing messages.

December 21

9 p.m. I saw this beautiful image of a teal blue turban with yellow flowers stitched on it.

11 PM I got the following messages, just as a full sentences place in my mind.- “All priorities are going to change.  You all have worked hard on your inner growth.”

11:50 PM- I saw several images together what looked like plastic deadbolt knobs alined next to each other and in a fast manner all the deadbolt latches switched one by one and he said, 

“Just like those locks everything and everybody are going to change.”

December 22 . These messages I received throughout all day long.

“You do not need to contact anybody in order to understand these messages because these messages have always been explained to you after sometime.”– I was contacting a friend to hear his opinion about the meaning of the isolated images that I was seeing.

“Drastic fast changes are going to happen, and all of you will flow easily because throughout 2020 you have been trained for changes”

“The balance of priorities is going to change.  Priorities will change when money, cars, and other material items were important, they will no longer will be.  Compassion and love will become more important.”

“Calling all indigos to get out of the darkness and share the messages that have been delivered to you.”

“All of you will show more compassion for others because during the awakening which you have already learned that there’s no way  you can be healthy when your brother is sick.”

 “ Include this messages into the box of presents you will ship to your friend (he mentioned my friends name).”- Then, I saw  myself holding a lightbulb bright in my hands.  It’s light was bright and illuminated my face as I walked towards the box I was filling out.  

“There will be necessary departures for those who are surrounded by people and love ones who have to focus more in their talents, because after their departure they will able to work on those talents”-

Then I saw the image of an animal, it was the tail of a pangolin. The scales of its tail were opening up one by one, extended and detached from it.


“Although, 2020 might’ve  felt like a train that hit you all, that train was filled with discovers, talents and opportunities.”

Then I saw an image of a actual old steam train coming very fast and got closer and closer to me that I actually had to step back.

“The key to success for 2021 and on will be agreements, contracts, partnerships, and associations. – Then I saw what it looked like several rings or hoola hoops getting close to each other click together.

December 23 

When I woke up that morning, I saw this huge image of numbers 2021 like floating on the aire. They were made of plastic lighted up from inside. The number one,  fell down on the  ground and started spinning fast and it turned into like the point of a needle of a compass.

Then he said,

“ Many of you already know what direction to take, but many of you have fears. You are already being guided, have faith.

“If you feel motivated to cook, do so, because one of your gifts it’is to nurture others.”

 “Many people discovered new talents during 2020. Those discovers were no the result of  the lockdown as you call it.”

“ Many of you will change your profession. These changes, may be drastic and in contrast to what you have done in the past. Just trust that these changes are coming from the root within the deep core of Earth.” 

“Many of you may need professional training to complement your new talents, have faith.”

“ While you are working on your talents, others will follow you by default just like the workings of many gears that mesh together inside a clock.  Each piece is divinely coordinated and moves in sync with each other.”-Then I saw this the image of the gears of a working clock moving.

“Remember the key of success is union therefore, that isolated farm that you’re looking for does not make sense anymore.”

Sometimes after 8:00 pm.

“ Many of you are going to reach far far lands”.  

“The cars of the 2020 train are filled with tools, talents, and options that you did no know that you are capable of developing . Many believed the ideas they had were just flying ideas of fancy, but Just watch closely.”– Then, I saw the same image of the steam 2020 train and it stopped on front of me. I looked carefully and saw the cars had big windows and inside they were filled with objects. On top of the car, on front of me there were in blue lettering the word “options”.

Then, the messages continued:

“What it seemed like a lockdown to you, it was actually a break for you to work on the new ideas you were already considered in the past, but now you realized that it  was really a chance for you  to train for what lies ahead in 2021 and on.”

“The balance of importance and priorities will change. Material possessions will no longer be at the top.  All of you have already begun to transform.”

December 24

“Many people will move on, even those whose have never considered moving before. This change will come quickly and not out of fear but out of new motivation.”

“2021 will bring new awakenings.  It will be a new step, a new level. The new age is not as external thing to you as you may think. The new age is actually you and your talents.  Your new awakening and compassion. Don’t feed yourself with fear.”

Then I saw a large empty stage image.

All the sudden, I saw a huge net that was moving forward slowly, it looked like a net filled with fishes. Then, He said, “Look closely” -so I did and I realized that the net was not filled with fishes, but with many people who were pushing the net forward with their shoulders.

Then he said,  “your fears are represented by that net, even though you have fears, it will only slow down your steps, because you will become the 2021 powerful train that keeps moving forward despite your fears.”

At 9:00 pm  I continued to receive the following messages:

“There will be nothing that can stop this train, because the name of this train is love, and its engine that drives it is your heart.”

“Despite any concerning news you will learn, take precautions, but keep on shining, don’t allow the negative news to derail this train, for there will be no way this train can be stopped , because new hearts are empowering the engine.” 

– Then I asked,- Can I know what Angel or Arcángel is bringing all those messages to me? then I was interrupted and He said,” that is not important just write, because you are receiving important futuristic messages of compassion and love. Instead, ask others to share the messages they are also receiving.”

“Love takes different shapes and forms.  Open your eyes and watch.    because love takes many forms.” -Then, I remembered I had a dream the previous night about many eyes opening everywhere.

December 25

“To all Indigos come out of your hiding, trust and share your messages because they don’t belong to you, they belong to everyone.”

“Movings, there will be many people moving.  Even those who never considered moving before. This movings  will be physical, mental and spiritual.”

“You already have been trained to flow with changes in 2020.” 

“Make sure you give a tight hug, because strong winds can take away many around you on its path.” 

“New working activities and change of professions will happen fast and those new beginnings are coming from the root of Earth, just trust.”  –Then I thought, “what about the animals” and he said, “you all have already evolved in your relationship with the planet, animals will reflect those changes. There will be a higher consciousness regarding them.” 

“Earth is purging and it no longer needs hiding anything else.”-Then  I saw ancient objects and new discoveries from under the water.

-Then he continued throughout the day, “What will you leave in your path?, now is the time for all of you to choose what trace you will leave behinh you.” 

“What about if all of you leave behind your memories written?”  

“All these changes that you have experienced are necessary for they are an extension of the changes that began at the deep core of the Earth, because you walk on it.” 

December 27

“New ideas have enlightened your minds, just trust.”

“The process of changing has already started deep within the core of the Earth.” he repeated the message of previous days.

“ The train that is called love is being driven by your hearts with your talents.  It will not only come to heal hearts, but Earth itself, because only one planet was given to you.”

December 28 

“To those that have been receiving messages, it is time to stop being shy and share those messages with the world.  Each message is like a small piece of a much larger puzzle and the final shape is a figure of love for all of humanity.”

As I was typing these messages in Spanish, I considered adapting and adding some words to all audiences and He said, “write them in the way the messages have been delivered to you. Your hands are not going to feel any pain because you have a job to do.”

-When I thought I was done passing the messages to my computer that day and closed up my laptop He said:

“The net that you have seen is the net of fishers.  Start to attract others by giving your love and talents, turn as a fisher of men for what you have seen inside that net are men because fishers of men are what you will be.” –  and finally after many days my question was answered when He said. “I am Jesus your master, take a shower and dress in white at the time you share my  messages.”

December 29

“There is no time for the solutions or separations the key will be in union.”

Thank you Lord for your messages we need them. I’m looking forward to post the next ones.

September 14- “From the hand of the Lord is the rage of my Father”

This afternoon I was watching TV in my living room. I blinked for a second and I saw Jesus with a very bright silky long dress.  He wore a rosary belt with a cross hanging from the end.  Jesus was standing atop big rocks.  His hair was very long, and so was his mustache.  I barely saw his sandals under the length of his dress. His dress was  lightly illuminated. One of his legs were bent with his foot resting on a higher rock.  I saw myself from a distance, and it seemed that I was asking  questions and complaining about some mundane subjects.  Jesus’ attention was focused and he was carefully listening.

Behind Jesus there was a  huge stone wall covered with climbing clematis plants.  I noticed another big figure was standing there, but the only bright and clear image was Jesus. Then I asked,  “Jesus who is standing close to you?  It is kind of blurry.”

Before I even finished my question Jesus said, ” Armageddon is what you should be concerned about. It is closer to all of you.  Spread the word of the Lord.” Then I saw a giant transparent hand pushing the waters from the ocean towards land.   I saw trees breaking and falling down and houses being washed out. As I looked in horror, I thought of the hurricane in the North and South Carolina, but soon enough I learned that those weren’t the only places that will experience such catastrophes.  He continued saying, “That is the hand of the rage of my Father, pray.”

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

1-064 1-florence 1-inundacion-en-sinaloa

Jesus showed me a woman with a child sitting by a fountain.  He said, “Illuminate with words of the truth to your friend and those who don’t know me, because what would be the future of her baby? What would be of him?”

I opened my eyes and I noticed that barely 2 minutes had passed, but it felt like longer time had passed.  I know he was still talking, but I don’t remember much more.

On the same night I awoke with the urge to publish his message.  It was 3:00 am. While I was writing a draft Jesus said to me, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?”

*I’m adding the complete verse of Ephesians 6:10-18

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Thank you for reading this message from Jesus.

September 9- “Firstly, search the kingdom of the Lord and His justice”

I was in my bed ready to fall sleep and as I turned the lamp off I saw the Sea of Galilee. It was the same place of a vision I had years ago. I noticed the same mountain to the left of the Sea. I was standing by the shore looking around and I noticed the similarity with the landscape from the previous vision years back. There were rocks next to me, and I noticed pieces of a boat floating and other pieces of a boat being washed out on the sand. I looked at my right side and Jesus was standing there in silence with a sad face.  I learned His sadness was because of my personal afflictions. He was wearing a short, brownish dress and a belt made of a rosary with a cross hanging from it.

I knelt immediately, and I felt peace hugging his feet. Then I saw  everything from above.  I placed all the papers with my prayers and other people’s prayers at his feet. He tried to touch me and bent forward saying,

“Search peace and follow it, your actions matter.”  He spoke about the broken boat and said, “Soon you will arrive.  Very soon you will no longer need the boat to sway the turbulence.  You will be free.”

I prayed for the injustice in the world. Injustice towards orphans, animals and people who have asked for prayers.

He continued, “Pray because at the end of the path is the kingdom of the Lord.”  In a firm and higher voice He said, “Firstly, search the kingdom of the Lord and his justice and everything else will be added.”

Then I saw the Sun rising up kindly behind the mountains that bordered the Galilee Sea.

After the vision I felt an overwhelming peace. Thank you Lord.

September 7- “The kingdom of the Lord will come like a thief in the night”

I closed my eyes and I saw myself standing in the middle of an open prairie. Beautiful tiny yellow flowers and tall brown and green grasses in the open field and I saw a tree far off in the distance.

I asked what angel was with me and I saw an angel standing on my side contemplating his leather armor that only covered his shoulders.  It went down in a wing shape over his arms and at the tip was a ring holding the end to one of his fingers.

Far away and close to the tree I saw bright lights shooting up from the ground.   I saw a foot wearing a sandal emerging from the light. Next I saw  a man with long beard who had a burlap bag hanging across his chest. Somehow I learned that his name was Moses. As he walked towards me he was holding a walking cane in one hand and a note pad with something written on it and a pen in the other.

As he walked he said, “The kingdom of the Lord will come as a thief in the night when nobody will expect it, pray.”  He extended his hands and gave me the cane and the note pad.

He said something else that I don’t remember.  Thank you God for reminding us of your promises and to pray.


September 2 ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”

After running some errands this morning in the house I felt a strong presence and the urge to close my eyes, so I did.

I saw a small desk with golden edges among clouds, then I saw what resembled a molecular structure. I prayed and I got a message that sounded like ‘Blessed the one who doesn’t place his trust in man, but in the Lord.” I researched to find that verse in the bible to publish it.

Then I found it in Psalms 40:4 “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.”

I felt very concerned and sad about the current news here in the USA and in my birth country Venezuela.  After I published the message on the Spanish page,, I got another message that said “Do not feel tribulation.” After that, I felt an overwhelming peace that I can described as ‘liberation’.

Thank you Lord for always being there for us amen.

July 10- The boats.

For several days I kept seeing images of a boat in the air during my prayers. I didn’t understand and for weeks I saw a boat landing/arriving to shore as it splashes in the mud.  I saw a big boat in a turbulent sea, and another boat in calm waters during the night with the beautiful moon in the background.


I decided to paint these images on canvas.  A month later an angel reminded me of one prayer.  I kept repeating and it praying, “Jesus take the wheel of my projects and my family’s projects.”  The angel nodded as sign that those boats meant that Jesus is at the wheel.

Thank you dear Lord for listening our prayers.

February 10- “Those people have bigger problems, pray”

I knelt to pray and suddenly saw myself from higher elevation.  In front of me was Jesus with a compassionate smirk.  A rosary chain was hanging from his neck and it also had three keys. “Welcome,” he said. “Look around you.

I looked and saw beautiful adobe houses.  One of the houses had branches of a plant resting on the roof.  I somehow learned that those branches were from a fig tree.  Meanwhile, I saw several images in the air. I saw clay pots, baskets and also words forming. They were blurry at first before forming the word, Damascus.

I continued my prayers for family, friends, and others who requested prayers online. Then a saw two large trees with branches that reached out to touch each other.  As the image became more clear I could see that the branches came together to form what looked like a big gate.

There were women with turbans walking in a line.  They were holding containers with water in them.  I also saw a cot or stretcher  like one that was used to carry injured people that was formed of two poles and 3 pieces of denim blue jeans.  Then I saw the word, Syria,  forming in the air and Jesus said, “Those people are suffering and have bigger problems, pray.”

After that I was walking around looking at the village.  Jesus said, “Look inside the house.”  I looked through an open window and I saw what it looked like 55 gallon metal drums. Jesus continued, “Potential explosions.”

In addition, I saw herb leaves hovering on front of me.  They were spread out flat forming a fan.   I was told the name of each leaf. The first leaf was tobacco, the second coca, the third one mint, and the final leaf sage. Somehow I knew that the mixture of them would be good to cure some illness.

After experiencing this vision I included the people of Syria more often in my prayers. Seven months after this vision over 30 houses in Massachusetts burned down due to a gas problem in the area.

Praise the Lord.



September 29 – “Just give without expecting anything in return”

September 29

I prayed and started meditation because I needed guidance. When I closed my eyes I started to recite psalm 91 quote, ”

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

 3 Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge..”

Although I hadn’t planned to do that, it was a part of me doing it.   then, I saw Jesus sitting on a bench, and he had big white wings coming out of his back.   At the same time I saw what looked like somebody shoot out an arrow and it was flying through the air to  my left side on the sky.  Also, I saw images of a dog or a cat’s face superimposed on Jesus’ face. I started walking towards my canopy in the mediation.

I noticed that archangel Michael was walking beside me.  I turned to look at him and he was holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other.   Also, he was dressed in a colorful, metallic fabric, he was also wearing a black messenger bag that crossed the front of his chest.

Then I heard a song,  it was a hymn with a marching rhythm and we were walking in pace with the song.   When we arrived at my canopy, I sat down on a large yellow pillow and Michael stood outside as usual.  I saw an image of a hibiscus flower floating in the air.  All of a sudden, I saw myself standing in front of Jesus where I saw him before (previous meditation)sitting on the  bench, and he had big wings coming out from his back.   It was the same bench where he sat before during the meditation of September 15.   And  again he was holding a paper scroll, but this time there was some fog that swirled around the air. The fog took  the shape of  a big writing feather. Then Jesus said,  “Write about your life. Write your life experiences, and then look for patterns.”   He had a white glow around him, and it was very bright.

I asked Jesus what I should do because a woman had read his messages and she became obsessed about them.   I didn’t know that she had a mental condition when I shared the messages with her. Jesus answered, “Have the same compassion for people as you do for animals.”    Then he stood up and placed a crown made of holly branches on my head.   I noticed that he placed one on archangel Michael as well.

Jesus sat down and unrolled the paper again saying, “Write about your new life  and the new creature you have become.” I asked him to place a healing touch on my chest, because my heart was having abnormal palpitations then he answered, “The new heart I gave you is working on finding the compassion, forgiveness, peace, and love you are praying for.”

I replied, “Dear Lord, help me to find those feelings, stay with me and guide me.” He smiled with compassion in his eyes for my petition. He tilted his head to the side and said, “I told you, I’m with you. I’m also in your heart.”   When he said that phrase, I physically felt that my heart beat was harder and jumped in my chest.

Jesus added, “Until you find compassion for people with the same mental situation as that woman is, you will be surrounded by them.”  Then, I saw the faces of some friends and acquaintances who I either didn’t share much  time with them or I’ve chosen not to share time with them, because I suspected mental problems.

Then Jesus, moved a large stone in front of me.  Somehow I knew that I would find help in Jesus as the rock of my strength. I told him, “When I’ve showed sympathy for people, I got hurt. What can I do?” Jesus lifted his dress and showed me all of the scars on his back  I was in shock of the scars  and he said, “Just give without expecting anything in return.  You do it sometimes.

I said, “Thank you,” to him, and I opened my eyes. I was stunned by his wisdom.  When closed my eyes to say thank you then  I saw the image of an apple,  I have seen an apple during previous meditations, but this time, I saw the apple crystal clear. There was a bee flying close to the apple  and I heard the voice of Jesus saying, “Watch for the bees.   Apples attract bees, and bees sting.”

I heard his voice and he said, “help them to heal”, “teach them about what love is and write your positives experiences”

Impromptu messages: August-September-“You have to be reborn”

Messages that I spontaneously while I was not meditating: August-September

These are some of the personal messages that were given to me either driving to work or working at home. They came as phrases placed in my mind when I didn’t expect it. Sometimes they came with words that are not in my daily vocabulary.

I want to share them with you, because they may be useful in your daily reactions to various situations.

– I was listening music while driving and the phrase, “You have to be reborn,” came into my mind. I also got the same phrase while I was running errands.  I interpreted the term ‘reborn’ to mean baptized, and I haven’t done that yet since Jesus asked me to do it during an August meditation.

– While I was outside gardening, I was thinking about how to solve a family conflict. The phrase Jesus told me during meditation was placed in my mind again, “Remember, you were placed there to pray for them and to provide them support.”

“Pray now.” I frequently get this request during the night.

– I was organizing a flower arrangement I donated to a church, with the intention of convincing Jesus to change the mission he had asked me to do. Then I heard him say, “Do you think you can make deals with your creator?” I knew this message came from Jesus because I felt peace in my whole body, and because the firmness of how it was said.

– When I heard on the news that our bank was hacked, I ran out to get some cash. While I was driving I was told, “What little faith you have. You are already protected.” On my way back home from the bank I was told, “That money soon will be useless. It won’t have any value.”

– One afternoon I invited my husband to eat outside during a weekday, just to relax our minds. When I parked by the movie theater I was told, “This world as you know it won’t be here anymore.”