September 9- “Firstly, search the kingdom of the Lord and His justice”

I was in my bed ready to fall sleep and as I turned the lamp off I saw the Sea of Galilee. It was the same place of a vision I had years ago. I noticed the same mountain to the left of the Sea. I was standing by the shore looking around and I noticed the similarity with the landscape from the previous vision years back. There were rocks next to me, and I noticed pieces of a boat floating and other pieces of a boat being washed out on the sand. I looked at my right side and Jesus was standing there in silence with a sad face.  I learned His sadness was because of my personal afflictions. He was wearing a short, brownish dress and a belt made of a rosary with a cross hanging from it.

I knelt immediately, and I felt peace hugging his feet. Then I saw  everything from above.  I placed all the papers with my prayers and other people’s prayers at his feet. He tried to touch me and bent forward saying,

“Search peace and follow it, your actions matter.”  He spoke about the broken boat and said, “Soon you will arrive.  Very soon you will no longer need the boat to sway the turbulence.  You will be free.”

I prayed for the injustice in the world. Injustice towards orphans, animals and people who have asked for prayers.

He continued, “Pray because at the end of the path is the kingdom of the Lord.”  In a firm and higher voice He said, “Firstly, search the kingdom of the Lord and his justice and everything else will be added.”

Then I saw the Sun rising up kindly behind the mountains that bordered the Galilee Sea.

After the vision I felt an overwhelming peace. Thank you Lord.

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