July 25- “I will come to bring Justice to earth”

July 25


When I sat down to go in meditation,  two angels mentioned their names and I saw a  flat horizon dessert with a bright line on it and I heard  people singing and their voices got closer and closer. I saw the middle of that light getting bigger all the suden Jesus Christ was in that light filled with majesty and he had a cape on, a golden crown on  his head and a king scepter on his hand. He said,’ I will come to bring justice to earth ‘, then the rest of the light became clearer and the voices closer. They were unnumbered angels on each side of him.

A voice said, ‘ Praise the Lord and give him glory’ there were more, but I don’t remember.


I kelt on the ground and  I said, ‘ I don’t deserve to see you, I’m scared’, so I purposely opened my eyes out the meditation, yet I still felt an angel’s presence next to me.  I went into meditation again, and I saw a short man stepping out of an orb, I asked, ‘Are you Joseph”? he said, ‘I’m Jonah he got closer and said, ‘this is your message, ‘God’s kingdom is on the way’ and he gave me a folded multicolor blanket and a tree palm. Without warning I was again of front of Jesus Christ glory on the meditation before.