October 6 -“Sometimes things are not what they seem to be”

photo 2-10The  messages in this meditation were basically  personal messages, but the way the Lord chose to send it to me was worth it to share it to the public.

In the morning,  I was working on my computer and I heard an animal noise coming from the preserved wooded area located behind my backyard. I didn’t recognized that noise, then, I saw around 15 o 20 wild turkeys rooming closer to my  fence. I went for my phone and took a picture, but I was too far away, so I took my chances of them running away  I opened the door  walked  closer and one turkey turned and jump on the fence despite my distance from him.

He stood there looking at me for maybe a minute, I took several pictures then he went back to the group.

In the afternoon, I went into meditation and  I saw Jesus leaning towards the river he smiled and touched the river with his hand. He had the crown that he wore at the cross. I also, knew that he meant to remind me that I have to be baptized.

He said, “Sometimes things are not  what they seem to be’. That phrase, was said to me the day before,  when I realized that the foster a cat  I brought to my house, wasn’t as mean as I was told. The other phrase that was said to me the day before was, “give that situation a  try just like you are giving it to this cat, you might be surprised.”

I mentioned to him that I wrote to a church requesting to get baptized the previous week, then he hugged me and said, ‘I’m proud of you”, then, he looked at me and nodded and said, the name of a person. Later, I checked that church website and I realized he mentioned the name of the pastor of that church.

photo 1-9I stood up walked towards me and said, “Did you like the turkeys?” I was stunned and I said, “thank you , thank you that was amazing’ and then, he suggested a gesture for me to do on thanksgiving’s day and he said, “give it a try, it maybe better that what it seemed, you will be surprised”

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