Category Archives: Uncategorized

late message July 30-” Don’t add or take anything from my messages”

This message wasn’t included  previously. It was of my perception that if I saw a pagan god, it can’t be God’s message.

I entered in meditation and I imagined the ‘protective fog or mist’ that I learned when I started meditating. Soon after I imagined the fog a flower  was placed in the middle of it. It actually replaced the fog and the flower hugged my body. I turned to my right to checked if an angel was with me in the meditation, then, I saw a statue with a bird head. I turned the other way and I turned again to my right and I realized, that it was an Egyptian statue the name Osiris came to my mind. Then, I said to myself this can’t be good, because it’s a pagan god, so I called up God to send angels to me to protect me and I looked and I was surrounded by angels, more than I expected.

Days later, Jesus told me during his messages, “Don’t add or take anything from my messages.” Now, I’m adding this vision.

Later, I checked on that Egyptian statue and it’s name is ‘Horus’ the son of the pagan goddess Osiris,  was also said to be a god of war and hunting

August 03- “I’m the way, the truth, and life”

This day as soon I closed my eyes I heard a hymn about Jesus on the cross.  It’s lyric  said something like this…’ on the Calvary mount there was a cross as a sign of sadness and pain..’

After the voices stopped singing I was about to ask what angels were with me, but I heard Jesus saying right away, “ I’m with you.”

All the sudden as yesterday the Archangel  Gabriel archangel, came out from the floor and he looked like made out of  gold and had a terrified expression on his face and said,
‘Had fallen , the big city had fallen…’ he said more,” my first instinct was going to the ground, but he signed me no to, then he continued, ‘ had fallen , had fallen Babylon”.

Jesus came running again, happy and joyful holding his dress.  I was starting to visualize my white protective fog and held my hand and said, ‘I have something to show you’.

We stopped at the top of a cliff, I looked down and there was a big sea.   At the shore of the sea, there was a big commercial ship.  photo-3 At the same time I got distracted by some clouds, they were forming animal shapes elephants, giraffe and snakes.

Jesus said, ‘Look!’, but I was busy trying to visualize the grass on the path I was standing at. I wanted   to know wether I was in meditation or  a vision.   Then Jesus said, “I ‘m the way, the truth, and life..” I looked at him with doubts and he said with a big smile, “I’m Jesus christ your savior”.

Once confirmed that he was Jesus, I started asking questions.  He guided me towards a small hill, so I can asked questions. This hill had  flowers and he sat on a rock under a tree in a very relax way and willing to listen. “What do you want to know?’”he said.

Then I asked.

Who is Balthazar? he said he was from the desert and I want to know if you sent him to me. He answered, ‘Yes, he is from the desert and he also plays beautiful music’  he said while moving his fingers as a flute.  He showed me an image of an object that  looked an old instrument that looked like a rustic bell.

-I said, I still can’t remember the things you said to me in the other meditation then he said, ‘ It will come at the right time to you’.

-How do you want me to help my friend (name)you suggested before, she is very busy we haven’t be able to meet.  He said, “I know, but you can also go to her house and do what you do(then he moved his fingers) and then when she feels relaxed she will talk to you and you will know what to say”

Are you really Jesus?, you look like St Germain. He started laughing out loudly, then he grabbed my hand and put my finger on his scars in his hand and said,
Yes, but he doesn’t have this” and kept laughing.

-What is your message for me today. He said, “Pray and don’t stop praying, I will come again.”

– I said, Jesus, I’m typing and working hard on these messages, how are  people are going to received? He said in a peaceful manner, “don’t worry, just send them, many hearts will  be touched.”

He got closer and placed a flower in my hair, then, I asked him, why the angels touch my hair I don’t know what to do and he said, “maybe someone needs a prayer.”  or something like “prayers may be needed”

August 02- “Time is up”

The website and the messages are being reviewed and compared with the original notes. This message was never posted and it belongs to August 2, 2014

I closed my eyes to go in meditation, but right away I received this message, “don’t judge of how people are going to receive the messages.

Then I saw two angels standing, one on each side of me. I also felt an energy of someone with wisdom; I felt respect also peace, then I heard a song sang by lots of people saying, “God is Love….God is love, God is love it’s in the bible..on the chapter 4 verse 8 in 1s John’s book’..”

Over the landscape, I saw two big wings flapping on the air. They almost cover my sight on the sky and finally landed.  I looked on my side to check for the angels and they were there.

All the sudden, I saw Archangel Gabriel emerging from the floor and with a terrified expression on his face he said, ” “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!”, he was so bright in glory he looked like he was made out of gold.   It’s glory made me feel, like I have to knelt, but he extended his hand and shouted, “don’t.”

I asked him, -‘the great city?” “is it New York?” and he dissapeared and came back all over again from the floor and shouted, ‘“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!For all the nations have drunk of the wine…”

Then I heard people singing again, but this song.

‘ It’s in Revelation’s book 1 to 7 , the second coming of Christ with power and majesty..’

After those songs were done, a man with a red sun burned skin, a head belt on his forehead and long white beard stepped out from the orb and said ,

‘“Your message is, the Lord’s will will be done on earth as in heaven”, then I asked, ‘ what’s your name?”-

‘ “my name is Balthazar”, he answered.

I asked, where are you from?, then he said, “I’m from the desert, these are your presents’”   he said extending his hands and gave me an ancient warrior helmet, a pen , a pocket watch and something square it was blurry I’m no sure what it was.

Just to make sure he was a good guide, I asked, ‘have you seen God?’ and he answered, “no, but I had been on his presence”, I asked him, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?, then he said,

the time is up”!

I felt disappointment because I didn’t see Jesus that day,  then Jesus voice said behind me, “I told you, I’m always with you, I had always been.” I turned and I saw him.  He was wearing  sacred  garments  on, also the Urim and tumin  vest on his chest.

August 02- “Time is up”


During the day I got the phrase, “don’t judge how people are going to receive the messages, send them and I will do the rest.”

 Then I saw two angels standing, one on each side of me. I also felt an energy of someone with wisdom; I felt respect also peace, then I heard a song sang by lots of people saying, “God is Love….God is love, God is love it’s in the bible..on the chapter 4 verse 8 in 1s John’s book’..”

Over the landscape, I saw two big wings flapping on the air. They almost cover my sight on the sky and finally landed.  I looked on my side to check for the angels and they were there.

All the sudden, I saw Archangel Gabriel emerging from the floor and with a terrified expression on his face he said, ” “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!”, he was so bright in glory he looked like he was made out of gold.   It’s glory made me feel, like I have to knelt, but he extended his hand and shouted, “don’t.”

I asked him, -‘the great city?” “is it New York?” and he dissapeared and came back all over again from the floor and shouted, ‘“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!For all the nations have drunk of the wine…”

Then I heard people singing again, but this song.

‘ It’s in Revelation’s book 1 to 7 , the second coming of Christ with power and majesty..’

After those songs were done, a man with a long white beard , a red sun burned skin and wearing a  belt on his forehead, stepped out from the orb  and said , ‘“Your message is, the Lord’s will will be done on earth as in heaven”, then I asked, ‘ what’s your name?”-

“my name is Balthazar”, he answered.

Where are you from? I asked, he said, “I’m from the desert, these are your presents’”   he said extending his hands and gave me an ancient warrior helmet, a pen , a pocket watch and something square it was blurry I’m no sure what it was.

Just to make sure he was a good guide, I asked, ‘have you seen God?’ and he answered, “no, but I had been on his presence”, I asked him, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?, then he said,

the time is up”!

I felt disappointment because I didn’t see Jesus that day,  then Jesus voice said behind me, “I told you, I’m always with you, I had always been.” I turned and I saw him.  He was wearing  sacred  garments  on, also the Urim and tumin  vest on his chest.

August 01- “What about the eternal Life?”

August 01

I closed my eyes to start my meditation and  I noticed a flower was placed in the spot where I usually visualized a protective fog.   I heard  a song with these lyrics, “..Jesus is looking for volunteers today, to go to the field and work for him, who is willing to hear his voice….”

At the same instant I saw Jesus running towards me very enthusiastic.  He jumped a wooded fence that I built in my landscape before.

He held his tunics and jumped up the fence! , once close to me said, ”come with me I want to show you something.”   at the same time he grabbed my hand and started running.  Ahead, I saw a  rough made wooden path  under the shade of  a bunch of trees for a second, I felt in doubts of wether or not to keep going  under that path. Jesus said while running, “yes, I ‘m Jesus  from Nazareth”

I turned back to check  if there were any angels around.  Then Jesus stopped, bends down, held my two hands and said, “how many angels do you want? ‘ -he smiled and kept saying,”’ you will have  as many  angels you need, look again.” So I turned around and I turned around  I saw endless amount of angels on the sight, behind me. All of them were wearing  working clothing, simple dresses.   I felt embarrassed for my doubts and I also, wanted to cry for the love I felt.

After that, we walked under those trees and I saw a clear open sky, very bright.   There was a hill up ahead and on the top was a huge   under the tree.

Under the tree there was a picnic table.  When we got closer, I saw a bunch of kids of all races sitting down on the grass across the hill.  Every child had  papers and color pencils on front of them.

Jesus said with a happy expression “Can you believe that!, I have them working, what do you think?”even before I could said a word, he said, “Do you see that table?, I want you to teach them!”.  I said,-“me?, what? to teach them to paint?.! I was stunned by the sight.

Then, Jesus added, “That table is for you, check it out you have all the things you like a glass for your water or tea ”.   I was speechless, because of the love he emanated then he said, “go ahead take a look at your items and the paper on the table.’

On the paper, there was a drawing of a sail boat.  He was almost on the ground with his legs bended, very excited. Then  I saw a lamb walking around, he ignored it and he insisted, “what do you think?” and I said, “Do you want me to go somewhere?” -he didn’t answer.  He just lifted his eye brows searching for an answer.  I answered, “If I go can my husband go with me?” when I looked at him he was shaking his head left and right as my petition sounded cute.

Then he started saying something, but I couldn’t , so I started praying.  I said, I don’t know what you just said, he replied, ‘ I told you no to worry about it, everything will come to you at the right time’

Doubts filled my heart again, so  I talked to him as any other regular  guide and I asked the typical question for a guide,  do you have a present for me?, then Jesus with tears on his face said, ”what about the eternal life, is it good for you? I felt the tears on my face on the meditation and physically . I asked myself do I really deserve it?

I asked him if it was the right day to invite the friend he wanted me to help to provide a Reiki session for and he said, ‘everything that comes out from your heart, will turn out  for good and I will be with you in every session, have faith’

July 31- “You are no the only one receiving messages”


July 31


I started the meditation asking what angels were present to go with me in the meditation as usual, then I heard Enmanuel and Raphael.

On my way towards the spot where I usually visualized a nice fog to surround me and protect me, I noticed a nice flower with a long branch was placed in the middle and this  branch hugged me.

I kept walking towards my canopy to rest, I didn’t want to see nor received messages that day my chest still was hurting. One angel pointed  to a nice pillow that was placed on the ground for me to sit. They stood on each side of this canopy. I was breathing in order to calm myself down my scared heart. I noticed my canopy was decorated with flowers.

All the sudden, the angels started to lined on the other side of the canopy and I saw a hand from behind the wooden post. I couldn’t see anyone because of the foliage and trellis , then I saw Jesus bending forward for me to see his face.


When I saw his smiling face, I smiled back and said,’ Oh no Lord, I can’t today’, but his inviting smile and eyes were so loving that I couldn’t resist, so I held his hand and he nicely pull me out. He also was wearing working clothing and he looked came like a regular person and with no majesty.

He said, ‘don’t be scared, come with me, I want to show you something’, then I said, ‘ You are Jesus right?’ he answered, ‘ Yes calm down’.

He was so sweet and kept his big smile that I felt safe. He guided me towards the paths I had created previously in my imagination, he didn’t change anything. We were going towards the river. I noticed a transparent bridge was extending up over the river towards a cloud, then I stopped and said, ‘ oh no again, why do you show those things to me? and He answered, ‘because you are my daughter’ – I reply , ’you have more kids why Me?

He smiled and looked up and kept  walking holding a laugh, then he  said, ‘ because you have knowledge’. 

Then I repeatedly said, ‘no, why me ? I don’t feel ok, I m nervous.

he leaned forward and said on  my face and with a big smile, ‘ Why not? come with me’. 

This time he held my hand with his 2 hands and hold it by his chest. At the cloud, he opened the door and  I saw  lots of people from all races writing and scratching their heads,

At the same time he continued,’ Did you see that? you are not the only one receiving messages’ at this point we were walking down the bridge..then he patted my hand and said, ‘Why you? , because you finally , became ,you. All those people you saw they are starting to search about  the meaning of the messages ‘


Then, he requested me to contact a distant friend of mine who needs help and I asked,

‘ How do you want me to help her?’, then he said, ‘Do what you do(he moved his fingers on the air) then, she will talk to you, then , you will know what to do, I told you-he continued, “ that I will be with you in every session’. 


I said to him that I can’t remember what he said to me in previous meditations, then he said, ‘Don’t worry, you will remember when the time is right’. I also asked, where should I moved with my family and he put in my mind an image that resembles ‘Kentucky’, I started complaining right away and he started laughing and looked at my face and said, ‘maybe I need you there’. 


Finally, at the canopy, he held my two hands and smiled as he knew what I was about to ask, then I started saying, ‘ Jesus, my chest hurts and….”  He lifted a hand on front of me and I dont remember anything else, only that my chest got released of the pressure and I sleep that night.


Since then, I’m no longer feel so scared and I don’t experience heart palpitations again. My heart got warm while typing his messages.



July 29- “Respect your Lord and praise his Glory”

July 29


I entered in meditation and a guide, who usually is happy this time he looked distraught . He guided me towards the river and pointed down and I saw lots of dead bodies flowing down. Then he was slowly walking away and I saw lots of tall skinny angels forming a semi circle around me side by side and leaving a clear for the guide to stepped there.


Then, a small hand placed two steps right outside of the bright orb and I got in my mind the name ‘Belquicedek’ and the  144.000 number. I saw a man coming out very slowly and his hair was white and big like cotton, long and puffy beard, white long ancient dress and sandals. Also, he had a golden crown on his head, I felt ‘sweetness’ energy from him.


When he was all the way out I asked, ‘Belquicedek’?..then in a very sweet facial gesture he said, ‘Guess again’. He kept on walking with lots of long paper rolls under his arm. He sat down and the rest of the angels that came after him, lined up and closed the circle of angels.


He said , ‘ You are waiting for a message right?’ and I nodded, then he said , ‘ Respect your Lord and praise him, because the time of his coming is close’. He started writing and I said, ‘ How will I deliver these messages?’, he looked at me sideways and said, ‘ I don’t know , I don’t live in your world’’.

I was comfortably sitting down on the ground contemplating him, he inspired so much love like a grandfather ’s love..then, he said, ‘ you are waiting for a present right?’ then he continued writing and I said, Yes!’ he stood up and with a smile almost laughing he gave me ALL the paper rolls that he barely could hold under his arm.


All the angels started to break the circle, and I got up and said, ‘I Got your name!, you are Melchizedek !’ He said ‘you got it’. I said thank you and turned around and he said ‘ this is also part of your present’, he gave me some ancient looking keys, then he said ‘search and write’. 



July 28- “Don’t be afraid of the messages”

July  28


I went into meditation and I saw a beautiful woman with long hair and a beautiful dress with several layers of fabrics. She came and answered my thoughts saying, ‘yes, my dress was made inspired by nature, one layer is the sky , the other one is the water, and the other layer with the flowers on is nature’ and she continued talking and said, ‘ Don’t be afraid of the messages you are receiving’, ‘ all those event meant to happen and all will be for good’.


July 27- “Watch the planet out there”

July 27 


After several days with no meditating, I was in shock. I went into meditation, then, I saw what it seemed to be a Roman marble column top. Then I heard a voice and said, ‘its no roman, its greek’.


A man starting to came out of the bright orb I got a ‘Copernico’ name, then I saw a different spelling on the air ‘CopernicVs’.This young man with was wearing a white clothing with a golden neck decor and a golden bracelet.

He stepped out of the orb  and pointed up to  the sky and

said, “your message is , what is happening on the planet up there, it will happen on earth’.

–   I asked, ‘what planet’?, then I saw flames and

–  he said, ‘the fiery planet’.

  • I asked , ‘Is it the Sun?’ , 
  • he said, ‘No, the red planet and this is your present,’ ‘Write it down’ . He gave me a writing feather , a compass and paper.

July 25- “I will come to bring Justice to earth”

July 25


When I sat down to go in meditation,  two angels mentioned their names and I saw a  flat horizon dessert with a bright line on it and I heard  people singing and their voices got closer and closer. I saw the middle of that light getting bigger all the suden Jesus Christ was in that light filled with majesty and he had a cape on, a golden crown on  his head and a king scepter on his hand. He said,’ I will come to bring justice to earth ‘, then the rest of the light became clearer and the voices closer. They were unnumbered angels on each side of him.

A voice said, ‘ Praise the Lord and give him glory’ there were more, but I don’t remember.


I kelt on the ground and  I said, ‘ I don’t deserve to see you, I’m scared’, so I purposely opened my eyes out the meditation, yet I still felt an angel’s presence next to me.  I went into meditation again, and I saw a short man stepping out of an orb, I asked, ‘Are you Joseph”? he said, ‘I’m Jonah he got closer and said, ‘this is your message, ‘God’s kingdom is on the way’ and he gave me a folded multicolor blanket and a tree palm. Without warning I was again of front of Jesus Christ glory on the meditation before.