September 2 ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”

After running some errands this morning in the house I felt a strong presence and the urge to close my eyes, so I did.

I saw a small desk with golden edges among clouds, then I saw what resembled a molecular structure. I prayed and I got a message that sounded like ‘Blessed the one who doesn’t place his trust in man, but in the Lord.” I researched to find that verse in the bible to publish it.

Then I found it in Psalms 40:4 “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.”

I felt very concerned and sad about the current news here in the USA and in my birth country Venezuela.  After I published the message on the Spanish page,, I got another message that said “Do not feel tribulation.” After that, I felt an overwhelming peace that I can described as ‘liberation’.

Thank you Lord for always being there for us amen.