Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 09- ‘It is different from what you see in your realm”

It was early in the morning and before I opened my eyes, I saw a small screen or window.  Inside that window I saw the torso of a woman with a short top and part of a skirt.  I felt/got the word, compassion.

Next, I saw the same window with a beautiful asian looking girl, now I knew who the torso picture belonged to.  Then she said, “if you see everything from above, it looks different” and she showed this image with people on it, some were people I know.


Then she said, ‘If you see everything from bellow, it also looks different “and she showed me this image.


At last, she said, “Everything looks different from what you see in your reality, everything  action has a purpose and it touches more people than you  see from your plane” and then she showed me what It’s seen from this plane.IMG_0573

November 23- “Your body its the Holy Spirit temple”

It was Saturday morning and I received a text from a friend who needed to share a problem he was going through and saturday was his only off.

I agreed  to talk to him and we sat down and talked. I prayed the Lord to ask permission to help him with some Astrology tips and also permission to do it on Saturday.

When I closed my eyes I saw Jesus walking away looking at me and he pointed at the trace on the ground his long dress was leaving  behind. The trace was  similar to a snail trace.  Then I felt an angel standing next to me  and he was wearing a crown made of flowers, it felt like a celebration crown for some reason.  Jesus said, ” Tell (name of my friend)  that he has to respect his body for it is the Holy Spirit Temple.”

I didn’t understand how that message would help him out, but I told him the message.  My friend said with sadness  on his eyes that the message made sense to him because he fell back on the drinking addiction he is being battling for years, because he was stressed out due to his financial problems. He also mentioned that every financial move he made, result in a very slow progress.

I agreed to start praying  at 9:30pm  for him just like  8 other countries are doing it.

November 21- “There are different types of healing”

At the very morning I went into meditation and I saw a green parrot bird.  Also a phrase came into my mind that said, ” there are different types of healing” I wrote down the phrase and what I saw knowing that all the images and phrases will be explained in other meditations.

Later that morning, I received some bad news about a friend on a email, so I invited her to come over my house to  talk and pray. I guess the green parrot was a symbol for news somehow.

Before she came to my house, I prayed to God to help me to bring peace to her heart  then, I saw beautiful pastel colors and I saw Jesus leaning towards me with a beautiful smile and he had a glow about him.

I was very happy, because it had  been a month since I’d  seen Jesus, so placed my head on the ground and prayed and expressed my gratitud.  Then he said, “tell (her name) that she shouldn’t worry,  she will see her paradise soon”, then I saw a basil branch, a rainbow and also a hawk.

In addition, I asked if my project for 2015 it will be ok with him. Then he said, ” beautiful things you will see” and he handed me a bunch of colorful balloons.

When I talked to my friend and gave her the message. She confirmed that the colors that I saw, were her favorite colors and also that her youngest daughter’s nickname is ‘my rainbow’ and she had her when she didn’t  knew she could have more babies.  So rainbow I guess it’s a symbol for hope.

November 6- “It’s not what you think it is”

I was praying and I saw a person with a long hooded rob. I asked the person to removed his robe, but instead  he said, “I have a message from the creator”  I said, turned around so I can see you, then he  removed its robe and turned around and because I couldn’t see well I was hesitant then he proceeded to say the message, ” Long time ago, in a remote area…”

I asked him, “please leave, go”  so he did.  Later, when I was sleeping an angel came in my dreams and said, “don’t be afraid of what you saw is not what you think it is, his message was a reminder of  the stories of your life  that you haven’t start writing yet”

Jesus  asked me to write stories about  my life in previous meditations (Sept 15+ Sept 29) .  His  angels are constantly  reminding me about it. Jesus said, I will see patterns and discover more miracles that will inspired others.

November 2. ” Look and write down”



During the night, I was  sleeping and having  a dream and all the sudden it was interrupted and I heard, “look and write down”, then I saw these two words, – HYDROPONIC AND AEROPONIC- it was written  on the some surface.

Then I was informed that’s useful information when we all moved to high grounds as Jesus said warned us in previous meditations.

Then, I saw what it seems a marker and it circles the syllables,  HYDRO and AEROPO.

I awoke up and made sure I wrote down well spelled.

Later, I search online and I found details about these gardening techniques  Hydroponics and Aeroponics.

Angel’s instructions – “God’s messages don’t belong in the trash”

The following messages came to me from an angel. The following instructions came as I was typing the messages (end of June, and July) I originally wrote these messages  by hand and they had drawings about the meditation as well.

Back then, I started typing the messages and I left space between paragraphs, so I can draw what I saw. Then, I got a message in my mind.

“Don’t add details about your meditations unless they complement Jesus’s messages, focus on the messages.”

Because of that message, I didn’t include most of the drawings, because they don’t belong to Jesus’s messages they were just part of the landscape of my meditation.

Later, I typed around 15 pages and as I put apart  the ones I typed and I intended to dispose into the garbage can. I saw a vision, it was   an angel, he was on front of a burning fire pit and he was pointing the smoke flying up to the sky  and said, “God’s messages don’t belong to the trash, it’s better to burn them instead, so they will go back to God.”


October 12 – Day of our baptism.

Sunday and my husband and I were on our way searching for the  church direction.

When we pulled at the parking lot, the sign  on the church was exactly as Jesus showed me on Friday, two days before.   This time I was able to see the blurry word, it was Trinity!.

On the meditation I saw a sign ‘xxxx Community Church’.  The actual sign said Trinity Community Church and for our surprised there was a battery set on the stage and it was a beautiful day.

We were so tired and happy we went home and I went to pray to say,  thank you to the Lord.  All the sudden in walked towards me and hugged me he was wearing a gray cape on.   Then I saw a big present with a bow on, I also saw a petal a big petal of a orchid flower and I saw a plier.

Then Jesus said, “Pliers are tools, use it,  put it in your suitcase.”


October 11- “he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways.”


October 11

I prayed and entered in meditation and I noticed the basket of ‘gifts’ mentioned in previous meditations was hanging from my arm.

I looked at it and I saw Archangel Michael next to me.  He had a crown on his head and some white feathers  on top front of his crown.  Also he had a braided pony tail.  I wanted to pray to Jesus to confirm that was ok to get baptized the next day in a that  church I found, then  I saw an image, it was a white modern drum stick and  a  drum set.

I didn’t see Jesus, but I still prayed to him. I asked Jesus to be next to me the next day, Sunday when I get baptized, then I heard a voice saying, “he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” Then I felt the presence of God.  I got very relax and I barely could finished the meditation.   Also, I saw the image of an object, then I saw myself close to a river and the angel of God said, “He will meet you by the river / I will meet you by the river.”

In addition the angel said,”you will wear white dress as the snow” , then I saw my self by the river, my hair was longer, also I had a crown made of flowers.  All the sudden my hair was shorter like it is now.

I didn’t pray anymore, I was too tired or too relax because of the presence of God. I open my eyes and  I layed down in my bed.   As soon I closed my eyes  to sleep I saw a bright blue lights  like fireworks  then they became bigger and bigger and the light blue color turn into a strong blue and some symbols and words were being written on it with a fine black ink, it looked like a blue printed fabric, I recognized some of the symbols, but not all of them. I felt asleep.

October 10 – ” Work on your of commitments”


I prayed and went into meditation, I needed guidance on where should I get baptized, some churches didn’t answer my requests for it. Then I saw Archangel Michael with a crown on his head and he was wearing a white dress.  Also, I noticed another angel  there.

I walked towards my imaginary canopy and I realized that had a crown made of flowers on my head in the meditation. Also, I noticed I had a basket filled with flowers hanging from my arm.  Then I saw a plastered wall, and the word Cathedral came to my mind for the 3th time .  The other 2 previous time that I got the Cathedral word during prayers.

This plastered wall looked a victorian decoration style.  When the vision got clearer I saw a preacher’s stand on front of the wall.  All this decor, looked very old and well carved.

Jesus appeared on my side, he had a golden glow around him, then Jesus held me from my back and  helped me to lay down and he made a sign with his hand on the air over my body.   Then, he told  said, ” work on your fears, commitments…” he said more words that I don’t remember.

I got up and he put an image on front of me it was a cement sign that that has the name of a church, but the first word was blurry, (XXX)Christian Church.

When I finished my meditation, I went to the computer and decided to search another church  to request for me to be baptized, but this time, I typed ‘Christian Church  and my zip code’  on the search area and I found a church close to my house Trinity  Community Christian Church !.  I wrote them my request and  I got an answer right away that they could  baptized me the following Sunday.

Thank you Jesus for your guidance.

October 6 -“Sometimes things are not what they seem to be”

photo 2-10The  messages in this meditation were basically  personal messages, but the way the Lord chose to send it to me was worth it to share it to the public.

In the morning,  I was working on my computer and I heard an animal noise coming from the preserved wooded area located behind my backyard. I didn’t recognized that noise, then, I saw around 15 o 20 wild turkeys rooming closer to my  fence. I went for my phone and took a picture, but I was too far away, so I took my chances of them running away  I opened the door  walked  closer and one turkey turned and jump on the fence despite my distance from him.

He stood there looking at me for maybe a minute, I took several pictures then he went back to the group.

In the afternoon, I went into meditation and  I saw Jesus leaning towards the river he smiled and touched the river with his hand. He had the crown that he wore at the cross. I also, knew that he meant to remind me that I have to be baptized.

He said, “Sometimes things are not  what they seem to be’. That phrase, was said to me the day before,  when I realized that the foster a cat  I brought to my house, wasn’t as mean as I was told. The other phrase that was said to me the day before was, “give that situation a  try just like you are giving it to this cat, you might be surprised.”

I mentioned to him that I wrote to a church requesting to get baptized the previous week, then he hugged me and said, ‘I’m proud of you”, then, he looked at me and nodded and said, the name of a person. Later, I checked that church website and I realized he mentioned the name of the pastor of that church.

photo 1-9I stood up walked towards me and said, “Did you like the turkeys?” I was stunned and I said, “thank you , thank you that was amazing’ and then, he suggested a gesture for me to do on thanksgiving’s day and he said, “give it a try, it maybe better that what it seemed, you will be surprised”