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January 22- “The grace of the Lord is pure”

During a prayer I saw  an image of a book open, it looked like a bible.  I kept praying for the conflicts on the middle east, then I saw a rosary with a cross placed on the book.

Then, I was told “everything will come in the right time” and I saw a beautiful young woman, she looked like the other women I saw in previous visions, but this time she had an halo  around her and a beautiful dress on.  She smiled and said, “The grace of the Lord is pure.” then she spanned around for me graciously.

January 20- “pray for the flame in your heart won’t die”

I closed my eyes to pray and I saw an angel next to me.  He had small wings on his helmet.  I saw the path on front of me and it wasn’t familiar, then the angel signed me to move forward.

He was holding a bow and arrow on his hand.   I started walking and it was a rocky rough path going up hill “this is the Getsemani hill”-he said. Once on the top of the hill we stood next to a tree  and I was able to see many mountains ahead  and the angel said, “pray for the flame in your heart won’t die.” 

Next, I saw an image, it was a big clay statue falling down. The image looked blurry, but I could tell it was a female statue.

January 13 – “And it will be called, House of prayer”

I went into meditation and I saw an angel next to me.  He was wearing a simple looking metal helmet, and his wings were big.  His wings were brown and white, like a hawk’s wings.

Before I stepped forward, I looked and the ground and saw that it was muddy or dark.  There was a path that angled slightly downhill.  I hesitated,  but the angel insisted by pointing down the path with a bow and arrow he was holding.   Jesus’ face appeared next to mine without saying anything.  Once I took the first steps and my eyes adjusted to the low light, I noticed it was muddy and dark because the path was next to a small creek.  Then I saw some images of a red metal helmet with golden edge and a symbol that I can’t remember.  I heard the word, “mercenaries.”

I also saw pieces of leather like flaps of a Roman soldier’s uniform.  They were special like they signified a rank.

As we walked, I saw a green fluorescent mold growing on the short creek bank.  It shone in the darkness.   After a short walk of 6 feet, there was an opening to the sky and the sun was shining brightly.  We walked up and there it was a huge grassy lawn.  It was around 10 acres of open pastures surrounded by big trees.  The shape of the area was square.

We stepped up into the pasture and I could see the grass in detail.  All of a sudden I heard a voice say, “Look,  the pastures just like you wanted.   Mature trees as you wanted too!”   The light was bright and I saw something big slowly descending from the sky.  It was brighter than the sun and landing in front of us.

I felt love and peace in my whole being.  Out of nowhere I saw THE  MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN OR JESUS I ever saw in my entire life.  He was right in front of me and his image was crystal clear in this meditation.  I knelt down to the ground right away and covered my face with my hands and the ground.  I intended to hold his feet, but at the same time, I was looking at everything from above.  I was stunned by such a sight.  I am still in awe of that vision two days later.

He was  7 or 8 feet tall and he had wings.  Very skinny delicate wings that could reach up to 16 or 18 feet.  Once he landed, the wings stood up behind his back pointed at the sky.  His face had a very well trimmed beard.  He had short, brown hair, and his skin looked like it was made out of marble or ceramic.  There was a glow about him that seemed to come from within.  He wore a white garment that looked like it was made of a heavy liquid that never fully drips down.

He looked like Jesus, but at the same time not.  I assumed he was Jesus because I could feel his presence.  His beauty was the result of his demeanor,  his glow, his delicate motions, but mostly for the power of his presence he emanated.  I was still kneeling, and the only thing that came out of my mouth was a prayer for a friend and he said, “Yes (name), she is afraid to lose her life.”  At the same time, I saw from above that he moved his fingers as he intended to touch my head.  I noticed that he had several rings on his fingers.  I was drawn to a particular blue ring, and I got the phrase, ‘the prince,’ in the mind.

In addition,  I guessed that he was Jesus, because of what he said while pointing at a wooden chapel located at the corner of the pasture.  He said, “That will be my chamber, the rest is for you,”  while showing me the rest of the huge place.  I looked at it.  He continued, ” And it will  be called the ‘house of prayer’.  You will built a pedestal at the front and you will  place all the messages I gave you in a book together with your book.

I was also told the names of several cities that I can’t clearly recall.  I haven’t started to write about myself as he asked me to.  After I shared the details of the meditation with my husband, I told him that I want to pray to give thanks, because I didn’t deserve to see that.  When I closed my eyes , I saw Jesus, the same Jesus, with his head looking down saying, “Look, I’m also wearing a crown.”  This crown was made of brown fabric and was adorned with red and green gemstones.

I tried to draw what I saw, but I don’t think I can ever create a drawing anything  close to what I saw.



Review and re-posted- August 23- ” I want you to get baptized.”

entered into meditation and after a while I didn’t see anything, then I saw myself in front of me  sliced off  sideways standing there.  I was able to see my bones, flesh and I heard someone saying,  “just like the pharisees.”  I though that was a bad meditation or some sort of, then at my right I saw Jesus, he looked different.  He was sitting on a throne chair looking at the opposite direction.  He was wearing  king  jewelry  and he  had a crown on his head.

Then,  I saw myself from another angle making facial expressions like I was pretending or being false.  Then I said,- “that’s not me, when did that happened?”  I got scared and I felt someone holding my elbow and said,  “I’m with you.”  Then took my hand and guided me towards a waterfall ahead.

We walked in silence, I turned and the other Jesus was still on the chair.  Jesus, looked pleased and happy.  At the waterfall Jesus sat on a rock.  He was holding a basket of fruits on his hands.  He pointed at the waterfall and said, “The living water,” and I saw Jesus being baptized by John the baptist; next  I saw my husband being baptized;  Last, I saw myself being baptized in the waterfall.  While Jesus was eating fruit he said, “you have to be baptized.”

I said, -“Lord, I saw something troubling back there what was that?”  He answered, 

“You are divided in many parts, you either believe or not.  You have to be baptized, you can do it.”

You said religions are closed minded, but so are you about religion.”

“You said you don’t want to follow man’s rules, but you don’t want to follow mine either, why is it so hard for you, you have the communion of prayers, you respect your Lord, why is it so hard for you?” 

” you said, you don’t want to follow rituals, but you do your rituals with Reiki.”

I  answered, -‘ religions spend a lot of time speaking about the evil one and its attributes to inspire fear in people, instead of talking about God’s love.  Jesus interrupted and said,  “then teach them”

I continued saying, -“They also criticize each other’s religions, all of them said the other one is bad”-  and he said, “Then, teach them.

He continued while eating fruits and giving them in my mouth so I wouldn’t interrupt,

“You have to get baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  I did it , why it is so troubling for you?  You already have the devotion of prayers, and you give your tithe.

  I need you to get baptized so you can baptized and anoint others.”

Every time I wanted to say my excuses, Jesus put more pieces of fruit in my mouth and said, “Eat fruit.  That’s good for you, I wish you take care of my wishes as you take care of your cats”

I asked him,-” ok where do you want me to get baptized, “the adventist?, the Jehova witness? where? , but please, wait until it comes from my heart and he answered while still eating fruits-

” I don’t know where, but you have to do it is a purification act.  Anyway it is my father’s will.  You can go to the 7th Day adventists, they talk about my second coming and you know everything and you don’t have to take any class.  I don’t know where, but  you have to get baptized  by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” 

“Anyway, people who baptized others they have that mission, to baptized specific people.  And yes, we will know if it  come from your heart, we can see your joints and marrow.”  he smiled. I said, “yes, I know I will do it, but please don’t show me ugly images.”

I asked him, “why on the vision with Martin Luther I saw a broken clay jar? Is it me? then, he laughed allow and appeared a jar in his hand, grabbed water from the fountain river  drank it and said, “no, that’s not you”

I expressed to him that I may have to create a website for his messages, because Its easier for me to post his messages and reach more people and I asked him if that was ok with him.  Also, I asked for suggestions and he stood and said, “name it, messages of the latest days”

When I finished that meditation/vision, I was stunned of my truths, my divisions and how divided I am.  I knelt and prayed, I felt bad and I said, “dear Lord, if I’m that bad and wrong, why do you chose me? the I heard, ” because I have faith in you.”  I couldn’t believe that loving answer.  Even today January 12 while reviewing the messages and comparing them with the original notes, I can’t believe how he knows us all.

January 10 ” ..My words will not pass away.”


During meditation, I saw lights coming out of the air or being poured out. Those lights were  similar to the rainbow colors that sometimes shows up reflected in pictures as the result of the sun reflection. Then I saw  the word, blessings.

Then, I saw the angel nearby wearing a helmet with metal wings on it.  And I thought of Hermes from the greek mithology, but the angel corrected me right away and said, “like the phoenix ,the bird will arise.” It was the same phrase shared in previous meditations.

I kept praying for guidance and I saw Jesus walking  fast like crossing the road and he smiled.  He was wearing a rosary as belt.   All the sudden I saw a unrolled paper and said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”


January 3- “I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill them.”

When I was in bed, ready to go to sleep, I had this vision.  I saw an industrial cooking pot that was overflowing with blood and something /someone put a lid on.

Because it looked gross, I asked the Lord for protection.   Then I saw a big white fabric closer to my face then  a piece of a red fabric closer to my face and I realized it was Jesus. He was standing of front of me,  pouring blood over me and with a very calm manner said, “I’m covering you with the blood of the lamb” so what I saw was his sleeves over my face.

Then, I saw the image of the door of a the restaurant that belongs to a friend who’s I had been praying for. See meditation November 21).

At the doorstep of her restaurant  were 2 angels guarding it.  The angels had wings and one of them was wearing heavy scarves rolled on his shoulders.   I asked Jesus, -“what do you think is my purpose/mision  on this earth ?”- he didn’t answer, but he instead Jesus said.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but  to fulfill them. “

Then I saw the face of a man, a middle eastern man that I had seen before who is wearing this time an ancient hat on .   I got a phrase in my mind that said, ” there are different types of healing”, that phrase I was given on the meditation of November 21.

January 2- “Put on the full armor of God”

It was early in the morning and from the bed, I prayed to God to give thanks, then I saw a metal corset, it looked hand hammered metal corset and the verse of the bible was put on my mind, I quote,

“… Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”           -Ephesians 6:10, 11.

I opened my eyes and I search on line where that bible verse was to post it.


December 21- ” The sword of your truths will open your path”

I closed my eyes to pray and I saw a metal rough surface with tons of little metal balls on the surface. The image was still closer to my face, then started to fade away.  As the image faded away  I started to see more about the piece, it had gems on it.  I tried no to get distracted on my prayer and it finally move away enough and I saw it was a crown, a king’s crown and I could see the gems were shinning.

All the sudden I saw a flower, a hibiscus flower.  Next I saw a round metal piece, it looked heavy and it was spinning very slowly. As it finally  was in an angle it was a sword.  The sword was made of several pieces together and those metal pieces had the same tiny metal balls on the surface and gems too. Then I got the phrase, ” The sword of your truths will open your path” the same phrase I got on  several meditations in the past, but this time, I noticed how the sword was made of.

*As soon I have a chance I will post the drawing of the images

December 15- “The poor and needy..”

I prayed and entered in meditation. I saw an image, it was a peach, then I saw Jesus, he was smiling and got closer then, he sat down next to me.  All the sudden I saw ‘my heart floating on the air’, I looked at him and he still was smiling and signed me to keep looking at it.

The heart was growing some white little winds on each side, then it stopped ascending and stay there, suspended on the air. Then he said something like “See you heart can fly?’ or ” See your heart con go further?” Then, he extended his hand and held a metal circle, he moved it so I can see different angles. Then he pulled something from it and when he changed the angle of his hand I could see that it was a metal spring.

I turned and I could see the crest of an angel’s wind, it was big and it looked strong and it was not white it was a hawk color wings.  Also, I noticed crystal clear the detail of the feathers.  The shaft of each feather was glowing, it looked like it was made of gold.

Then Jesus said the word ‘flocks’,  then, ” you have a flock” 

Also, Jesus confirmed something that my husband and I were talking about a logo for our project and he said, “yes, you can use the logo with a little wind in the middle for you will heal with the help of the angels” and he showed me the image of the logo with the wing on it.

After that, Jesus said, ” your truths had being revealed  in your dreams”. I had interesting dreams that I didn’t documented.  Then Jesus said a long statement with these words, ” the poor and needy… heaven”

Here some of the bible verses that have those words.

– Psalms 72:8 and Psalms 113:7-8 

I started praying for Venezuela country and its problems then Jesus said, ” For the sins has been forgiven”  All the sudden, everything turned dark and I saw Jesus face on front of me and slowly was fading away.  He was smiling and as the image fade away, I could see the tall hat he wears for sacred rituals, he kept smiling and I saw a light next to him, it looked like a light bull, but I realized it was the light of a film projector.  Then he said, “your truths are going to be revealed in your dreams.” and I saw an image of an object I saw in one of my dreams, I saw also a peach suspended on the air. 

In addition, I saw the USA president and the presiden of Cuba shaking hands and Jesus said, “they talk about peace, but war will be”

December 10-“”I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys.”

In the afternoon, I knelt to pray and as soon I closed my eyes I saw a flower with a long branch.  I kept praying then, I saw Archangel Michael wearing  a leather piece on his hips on top of his skirt he was standing there.  I said, “what is that you are wearing?’ he answered, ‘ a Holster”.   That image or item might mean something, I hope later will be revealed.

Then I heard singing a son with the lyrics of the verse on Song of Solomon 2:1 quote, “”I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys.”