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August 13- “The blood of Jesus its already spilled on earth”

August 13

I entered in meditation and I was already at Jesus feet.  I saw his sandals, toes and dress.  Also, I noticed an angel’s presence there. Jesus guided me in silence on a rocky path uphill, then he said, “We are going to Golgotha”, the placed he was crucified.

Up ahead on the way,  I saw 3 crosses.  When we were closed to them.   As we walked, I saw a tree that I never saw before.  Then, we stopped on front of one of the crosses. Then the sky  above it, opened up.  I looked like  the clouds were boiling and a bright light was in the middle then I heard a voice saying, “ This is my beloved son whom I’m pleased.”

I covered my eyes right away and I said, “ I don’t deserve to see it”.  Jesus was  still in silence, in  retrospect, like he was remembering everything.  We stayed there for a while and I looked down on the ground and  the vision/meditation was crystal clear, at least when I  saw Jesus’s blood  trail from the cross that stained the ground.

Then I heard a voice  that said, “ The blood of Jesus its already on earth” then Jesus with sadness on his voice said, “my people” and I part of the swastika symbol on the air, I saw  more images came on my mind or were up in the air.  I saw  a partial building under construction , the top of a building, then I  recognized that building, it was on the news.   It was the building floor where the Christian family  running from the Iraq military force, found shelter soon after they were rescued by the Egyptian army helicopter.  After that image vanished, I saw the handle of a sword and it disappeared.Top of the building and the sword handle.

Later, I asked Jesus if interpreting Astrology was an offense to him, and he said,  “ just, don’t admire it.”


August 12- “your truths”


I went into my relaxation time and I visualized a white fog to protect me, then I saw that a sheaper crook extinguished it stumping the ground,   I turned  around and I saw an ancient man, I  can only describe him as  a man of ages. His long  white old beard was so long that it blended with his dress.

I got scared and I asked, “Are you Abraham?”, he said, “no, I’m Moses.” I kind of panic and I asked an Angel of God to come, then I knew Gabriel Angel was there, then Jesus was there too, but he was in silent, he was wearing sacred garments on.   I think he was busy .  He allowed me to see or hear what I was supposed to.

I saw the image of an ancient sandal, some pyramids ahead of me and also, I found that while walking next to Moses,  I was walking on sand, we were in the desert!.

Then Moses stopped, he raised the sheaper crook and it turned into a snake then  back into the sheaper crook.  He stumped the sand  with it and this one opened up  a  saw a big deep crack that was filled with blue waters and he said somethin like, “Truths for you” or “ Your truths are here” then the water went away and he gave me an ancient fire torch on my hand.

When I looked down, I saw a full modern library just like we were looking from the roof of that library.  Somehow, I knew it was located in London, “this , your truths” repeated Moses then he proceded to give me his sheaper crook and also gave me an ancient ax.

In addition,  I felt something on my head again like the previous day and I saw that I had  turban on again.  I saw it from above me.


August 11- ” but the end is still to come.”

August 11

I closed my eyes and without planing my mind started to recite Psalm 23, “The lord is my shepherd…” I felt Jesus was with me.  Then,  I saw lots of birds of many colors flying on front of me in perfect synchronization.

Wooden Russian virgen.

Jesus wearing a dark purple dress and a black silk scarf across his chest extended his arm showing me the way.  While we were walking I saw  a donkey on the side of the path;  a hand made wooden Russian virgen  and a long the way;  I saw  long line of   tall pine cipress trees and  we walked  by them,  they turned out to be tall skinny angels standing along the side of the path.

Another Jesus with a golden glow crossed our path, he nodded.  At the end, by the top of a mountain I saw Jesus working on a wooden piece of wood. He was wearing white dress and red scarf.  He was kneeling on the ground on one knee, he was sanding a long curved piece of wood.

The Jesus with the dark purple dressed touched my forehead and  my head felt very heavy and I felt very relaxed. I sat down, on the grass and I choose just  to contemplate Jesus working, I looked at the ground and there was lots of different flowers that usually are tall, but there, it was the size of regular grass.

Then I said to Jesus,  “Ok, I shouldn’t ask to many questions but, what are you doing? Jesus answered with a big smile and said, “I’m making you a pair of skies.”  It was funny, because I don’t longer live in  a place with too much snow and I said,- “I guess I shouldn’t complaint.”

Then, I saw images of an ancient sandal, an african clay jar , a street lamp, a  modern sandal with decorations made of stones, I saw  golden balls falling down , like honey drops, and another sandal but with no decor.

-I asked Jesus, “What is my message?” and he stopped working and said,” Pray without ceasing, for  you don’t get caught sleeping by the Lord’s second coming just like the parable of the virgins”

I knelt and asked for a family member’s businesses and Jesus said, “ask him(name), if he ever thought of accumulating treasures in heaven”, then  he added, “everything will come at the right time for him.”

I asked about wether or not to keep in contact with a friend and Jesus said, ” yes, because you will help him out.”  He also said, “ Tell your family member (the same one) if he already knows how to harvest food.”

I felt  a physical touch on my knee or as a spider walking over my knee.  Also, it hurt because Jesus awake me up in the middle of the night and asked me to pray.   So when I intended to open y eyes I heard Jesus said,  “ I got you.”

I expressed that I had troubles sleeping at night and he said, “ maybe you are doing something wrong(*).”

* note. Jesus was referring to an event that happened the night before when I was reprimanded by the lord  while I was sleeping,  I posted on a social media “the super moon is tonight, don’t miss it” . Hours later, a thunder voice awoke me up and told me, ’Do not praise the moon,  get up and ask forgiveness.”-even thought I insisted that I was not praising the moon the  fear in my body made me knelt and pray. Then an hour later the same voice awoke  me up again and said,  ” Don’t praise the moon!, your friends are praising the moon! get up and pray for them” and he showed me my friends taking pictures to the moon and a big hand wiped them out.

Then I saw an image of a nuclear bomb mushroomNuclear mushroom it was ‘half of it’ and I heard, 

“but that is not yet the end.”

Then I heard a voice saying, ‘The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

I felt something on my head and I saw my head  from above and I had a turban with african colors on my head . Also, I saw again the image of the sacred dress/jacket Jesus wears for holy rituals I saw during the previous meditation.



August 10- ” Apart from me, you can do nothing”

August 10

I closed my eyes and prayed,  then I went into meditation.  I intended to request angelical protection, but  I was told by  Jesus who said, “I told you, Christ is within you.” Also, I felt  a hand holding my right arm.

I started to visualized the white protective imaginary fog that I learned in the meditation process classes and all the sudden, a woman wearing an indian native dressed and 2 braided pony tails, came and poured water on the fog and extinguished it. I guess then, that Jesus is somehow modifying my human ways to meditate.

After that, butterflies and birds started flying around me. Jesus was there  behind them with a big smile.  I saw his eyes for the first time, it wasn’t so blurry.  What I perceived about his eyes was, deep knowledge.  I realized then, that we don’t know anything about anything and Jesus only knows the purpose of everything.

Then I also saw the image of  a trellis plant and disappeared. Jesus and I walked and the woman placed her  grass hand made tray on the floor and it lined up perfectly with a disk-dish that was floating on the air. This disk looked made of ceramic. She stepped back and I was able to see the colors and style of her dress.  It matched with  a previous image in a vision with of the indian shirt with an orange symbol on it, but this time, I saw on the air the image of  a whole native looking shirt and it has an orange  eagle head on.  Jesus lifted his hand up in the air, then I saw an Egyptian pyramid and disappeared . I turned around and  I thought,- ‘I’m wonder where  my little angels are”, then, Jesus turned towards me ,it seemed that he read my mind and with a fun expression asked  me, “What kind of angels do you want, little ones of big ones.” and I saw many of little angels flying around. I felt embarrassed because my of my doubts.

I told him, ‘I like to see you when you are happy” and he replied while eating a fruit, “ I like to see you when you enjoy nature” then he and changed into a big swallowtail  butterfly. It was the same kind of  butterfly that I saw while I was walking  the forest the day before and crossed our path!  All the sudden this huge blue and white  commercial ship blocked our way and disappeared as soon Jesus said,”no yet!”. The ship was blue and white and also had some rust on it.

I asked him,”Where do you think  should we move, it’s been a long search, but nothing happened yet” -he answered while throwing away the fruit skin, “ Why do you want to know, to start making your plans, plans, plans? and laughed. “Do you think your plans work?”  He was under a tree I never seen before and with colors I never seen before.

When I started walking to go away, I turned around to ask for a present and he was right there on front of me with grapes on his hand and said, “I’m the vine and you are the branches . If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Then, I knew that Jesus , made all the plans for us.

On my way out, I saw an outfit Jesus uses for sacred work, also the fire torch I was given by Moses.


August 09- “Read what they did.”

I closed my eyes, then I heard a song.  Then many  butterflies started flying around me.  Also, I saw that I noticed that  I was wearing an ancient dress with a leather belt on my waist.

I walked with an angel towards my place (the canopy)to sit and relax in meditations.  While walking I noticed the grass was wet and the climate was cool.  I looked down on the floor to see if my imaginary grass was there to confirm where I was, then, I noticed, the grass was there, but also wet.  I was confused  and Jesus voice said, “Christ is within you” I saw a hand, it was Jesus’s hand and said, “come with me”.

He said with a smile, “the grass is wet, because you were complaining about the dry weather remember?” yes, indeed I was complaining on the hot weather and how dry it was.

The angel  who was walking with us was holding something on his hands, he was very skinny and tall, he looked like a cypress tree.   While walking towards the river, Jesus was playing with my hand and said, “What do you have in here?, let me see”  then  he pulled a  rosary with the cross  out my hand.  I looked at it careful, because it was a little blurry and It looked like the  rosary  St Patrick  gave me in the previous meditation.! He just smiled.

Right ahead few feet away I saw something that it looked like  a ceramic disk.   It was floating on the air like 8 feet high. Jesus didn’t say what was it. We stopped closer and he looked serious and said,  “you will see he glory of God and will know the power of his hand.”

I asked confirmation of wether or not was him  who I saw during the day walking by an apple tree. It happened when I blinked and he nodded and smile.  Also, I asked him why he send me St Patrick and Martin Luther they are dead.   Then he said, “read what they did when they were alive.”

In addition, I  saw images,  a farm tractor and kids playing around it and on top of it. I also saw the silhouette of a modern city after it was  burned or attacked.

August 8 – “Truths are going to come out of your mouth”

I entered in meditation  and I saw a native shirt with an orange decoration on the chest.  It was was a symbol of a bird with  extended arms or wings.  Also, I got the word, ‘Tezaquil.”

I felt  the Archangel’s Michael presence and another angel then I  heard a voice saying, “Christ is within you.”  I walked down and I saw Jesus with working outfits on.  He got closer and hugged me and I said, “ I went to see her(name) finally and I helped her as you wanted me to ” and he said, “I know I was there with you.” Based on the experience I had with the person he asked me to help.

An angel came closer and gave Jesus pieces of wood or hot flaming coals, they looked dark and flaming at the same time and Jesus put them on my lips and said, “ truths are going to come out of your mouth” also said, something about crowds of people that I don’t remember then, I heard people singing.

On the same day, in the afternoon, I lied down to rest and I saw a guide coming out from a bright portal.  He had a long white beard and his name had a cross on the letter ’T’, St Patrick.
He got closer and said, “your message is, ‘to pray’.”

I asked him, where are you from? he answered, “I’m from Denmark.”  He also added,” his will be done on earth” and he gave me a little box with a rosary with a cross on.

August 07- “There will be volcanic eruptions where are not expected”

In the afternoon I was sitting inside the chapel I’m used to go to pray, then I felt peace and  I  closed my eyes and Jesus was on my side and an angel was standing on the other side. The angel’s name somehow I knew it was, Philips and  he was holding something on his hand. Then I heard a song that I didn’t recognized and I saw lots of butterflies flying around  me.

Jesus took my hand and took me up to the top of mountain. It was the same mountain with a cliff  from a previous meditation where I saw a war conflict.  Jesus looked down,  he looked concern and he pointed down and said,

“ make sure to  find high grounds and stay there, you will see better and you will be safer”.

I looked down and I saw a chain of volcanoes erupting bubbling lava  then I said, “where I live it’s flat and  there are not volcanoes” and he replied, “There will be eruptions where are no expected.”

For a while he answered some of my personal questions. Here  there are some of the questions and his advice he provided for other people as well.

– I asked about how can I help the person(name) he asked me to help . He answered,“Just talk to her and you will see.”

– When I  prayed to him for a friend’s problem he said right away  with love, ” (my friend’s name)my dear, you already got a message during the day for her.”    I stated the message I got during the day  to confirm it,  I said, “Don’t measure love, just give it”. He nodded.

– I asked about a closer friend who wanted to learned how to pray and he said, “Tell her that she should keep praying to God, as soon she closes her eyes I’m already there”– When I gave her the message, she said that she was already starting to pray, even though she didn’t know she was doing it alright.

-I told Jesus that I ‘had been doing my best writing his messages and translating, but I felt against the clock and some times I forgot the messages then he said, ” you are doing great.”

Then, the angel got closer to Jesus, knelt down and gave him what he was holding on his hand.  Jesus smiled and said, “open it”  I was hesitant, didn’t want to open it and he placed it on my hands and he opened himself and said, “It’s time”, I looked down and it was and old pocket watch on a nice metal case.

August 06- “The potter’s will be done on earth”


I entered into meditation and I asked what angels will join me. Then I heard Jesu’s voice saying, ‘I told you that I will be at your side”.   Also I heard a angel’s name who was there, Zadchiel.

As I walked, I noticed the protective white fog on the ground had a flower in the middle, so I understood that I don’t need to use it.  Also I heard  a noise as I was walking, it was the noise of layers of my dress.  I looked down and I was  wearing a dress in the meditation.

Then I saw a white orb and I sensed the name ‘akii’ or ‘akin’, then I got it,  it was Martin.   When the guide stepped out from the orb, he looked like a monk also had a black hat on.

He stood on front of me and said, “Your message is, the potter’s will be  done on earth”.

I asked him, “where are you from”, he answered, ‘“I ‘m from London, and this is your present”  Then, he gave me an ancient map and an old style compass also he gave a broken clay jar with mold on it.

All the sudden I understood his name and I said, “You are Martin Luther!” he nodded and left.!

August 5 -“You will work for me, because you had drunk from the …”

August 5

I closed my eyes and I knew Gabriel angel was present and I heard Jesus voice saying, “I’m’with you” I started walking with the angel towards my pergola, it felt like a ceremonial walking. I noticed the angel was holding a little box on his hands.  Also, I saw  a flower being painted with oil on a canvas.

On front of me, I noticed the protective white fog emerging from the ground and it turned into lots of butterflies of many colors flying around me. Once sitting down under my pergola, I noticed everything was decorated with flores. Also, the angel knelt on the
ground close to the entrance of the pergola.

Jesus showed up from one side of the pergola, extended his hand towards me helped me to stand up then a beautiful colorful rain fell on me, it felt refreshing yet it wasn’t liquid, but also I felt like I drank it. That experience filled me up with vitality.

Jesus, waited patiently then held my hand guided me to the river. He grabbed a water from the river with a cup and said, “ I’m giving you to drink the living water”, I answered right away, “no, please, I don’t want to join religions with men’s rules”,  he was smiling and gave me the water on my mouth saying, “ The peace I’m offering to you, can’t be compared to the peace of men. My peace, come from my father”.

I drank the water then I started asking questions about the vision with Melchizedek and the meaning of the ancient keys Melchizedek gave me. Jesus said, “you will see.” We walked to the pergola and I was about to go in and sit down, but I noticed the angel by it, knelt on the ground and lifted the little box towards Jesus.

Jesus opened the little box and pulled out a chain with the 3 ancient keys and as he placed it around my neck and said, “I ordain you….” . He said more words that I can’t remember. After that, he smiled and said, ‘those were the purpose of Melchizedek’s keys”.

I started praying to Jesus for the conflict in Gaza; for the kids in Israel and also to give me more information about the packages of food that he showed me in the previous day and he answered, “a famine is on the way and it’s going to be a long term famine. It is advice to harvest your own food.”

I asked him about my family’s moving plans and he said, “Wherever you will go, many heart will be touched”, you will work for me for you had drink the living water, I will see you soon.”

In addition, I asked for the friend he wanted me to help, but still I couldn’t get in contact with her and he said,” maybe she will come to you.” 

Days later she contacted me.




August 04- ” a famine is on the way”


This  morning  I felt Gabriel Archangel was next to me. also I prayed to God and trusted that He always will guide me.

Then I heard a song about the day when Jesus was crucified.  I saw Jesus next to me very quite and sad looking. He had a tall hat and was wearing sacred  garments used for special holy rituals.
He looked at me, nodded, held my hand and we headed towards a rocky terrain hill.   At the top he knelt on the ground and looked down with tears on his eyes and said, “look” and at the same time he was whispering,”It is written”.

I couldn’t see anything because the clouds were on the way, so he said, ‘lean forward and look closer.”  Then I saw a city under attack or things were exploting, then a kids crawling up  and one with no leg, he was trying to clime up the mountain but he couldn’t.   Jesus extended his hand as he tried to intervene . I saw the leg of the child partially burned and I covered with my hands and said, “this is too sad, I don’t want to see”

Then I saw a blue circle with 7 blue orbs spread on it, somehow I knew those orbs were angels holding


Jesus said, ” a famine is on the way’” and he put images of packed food in my mind.  “is that the middle east?” I asked. Jesus answered.

“all nations are going to be affected by the famine, go to the wilderness and find high grounds, from there you will see better also you will be safer.”

Then he said with loud voice.

“ And the word of salvation will be spread to every nation, to every town, to every race, then, the end will come.”

After that, we hicked back down  quietly and I heard the song, “Christ is the mountain of Horeb.” being sang.

This one was one of the many messages about high grounds and the need of us to grow our own food. Thanks God for warn us.
