August 25- “I’m the Lord, your God”

Around 11:00 pm after I turned the T.V off, he said, “you will enjoy the variety, size and colors of the new generation of fruits and vegetables. Also, you will be a witness of how the rocks are alive”

And I felt in that message a contagious joy and happiness.

He continued saying, “you’re going to be taken care off, every need that you have,  it will be covered.”

Minutes later He said, “the flowers are going to have their own light.”

And I saw a silhouette of flowers on a field, from the ground angle,  I was seeing the branches, leaves, and the flower almost none, because it had a tiny light in the middle. 

The amazing sight of the flowers triggered my memory of a beautiful vision I had years ago. It was a nature paradise, a place I was told where animals go after passing. This paradise had many flowers and grass leaves with artwork on every single leaf.

My request from the night before was answered regarding the source of all these messages and He sayid, “I am the Lord, your God who takes hold of the right hand and protects you and cares for you and tells you not fear I will help you.”

This confirmation filled my eyes with tears of joy and gratefulness. Thank you God.

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